Covid, Hope in Parliament on the dpcm: “Let us raise our guard, we need one last effort” – La Stampa


The confirmation of all the anti-contagion measures planned so far, the introduction of the obligation of outdoor masks and the extension of the state of emergency until January 31; For now, there is no new tightening of activities: this is the new dpcm that will be presented soon in Parliament by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. “I consider each parliamentary step a unique opportunity with regard to an ever-evolving epidemiological event. Every moment of discussion is good for our democracy.

Covid, Speranza: “Italy is better than other countries but let’s not kid ourselves. The emergency is not over”

After the brief introduction, the Minister of Health Speranza then offered some information on the current and future scenario. “Let’s start with the assessment numbers: everyone is clear that the European and world situation is undergoing a major change. International data tells us that the number of infected has exceeded 35 million, deaths have exceeded one million people. They are absolutely relevant data ». The international center for disease control provides us with information on the incidence of the virus in European countries and this is the first photograph in Europe on which Italy must also rely. And in fact Speranza stresses that “Spain is the country with the greatest difficulty, followed by France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, while in Italy the incidence of infections is considerably lower than in other European countries. In the countries that I have listed there is a change of gear, restrictive measures are restored. The trend is very clear. It concerns all European countries. Italy is better, along with Germany it is among the great countries that is reacting the best, but we should not be under any illusions. It would be a mistake to imagine yourself outside of it based on this scenario. We look at our neighbors, we look at France with 17,000 infections in one day. It would be risky to think about loosening the grip.

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Speranza again, on the increase in cases in Italy: “There is an objective worsening phase. In Italy, for nine weeks we have been heading towards a growth trend in these numbers: it is a starting point. However, the great novelty compared to the very hard days of February, March and April is that, although at that time the virus had affected some regions in particular, now there is no longer a dynamic of territoriality. The seroprevalence in Lombardy in July was 7%, elsewhere below 1%. Now this is no longer the case: growth is widespread and widespread. Touch all territories. No reality is out of the question. You need maximum attention. There will be a need, in the next few hours, for a maximum exchange between the State and the Regions ”.

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In relations with the Regions

The level of coordination with the governors is now much stronger, stressed the minister in his report to Parliament. Italy has a small advantage over other European countries “but this advantage cannot be canceled, because it represents the sacrifices of the Italians in the difficult months that allowed us to round the curve. In the other countries of the world they look at us, they look at our results ». Then Speranza underlines the importance of those who work in health due to the results obtained so far. But they have not obtained results, so we must continue in the line of prudence ”.


We need continuity regarding the state of emergency until January 31st. «The emergency is not over. It is the truth we have to deal with. Speranza emphasizes “the specificity of the epidemic, which is different from a flood or an earthquake. Here we are faced with a dynamic, unprecedented reality that endures over time.

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We must continue in the line of prudence, by Speranza. The dpcm that expires tomorrow “we will try to confirm essential measures that have allowed us to manage the phase of coexistence with the epidemic until now.” It begins with a first strengthening to contrast the increased infections. Three rules as a backbone: the correct use of masks «a fundamental tool to counteract the spread of Covid». Masks are also a must outdoors “because it takes an extra effort. The data of the spread of contagion are produced in the relationships of friends and family. For this reason, “in the case of people outside the family nucleus, the mask should also be worn outdoors. It serves as an element of protection.

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Social distancing

Assembly prohibitions. “It is already in force, but we make it as strict as possible. The social gatherings are a real risk that we cannot afford ”. The third point is related to hygiene rules: hand washing.

At this time in Italy 58 thousand people who have contracted the virus, in August just over 12 thousand. Now 3877 people are hospitalized, 323 are in intensive care: “Figures that are sustainable to date for our national health service, which has already shown its strength.”

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Average age increases

In April, the average age was close to 70, today it is 41. “A younger person – explains Speranza – can fight the virus more easily, but in August the average age was 31 years. Then it’s getting up. We must not underestimate this increase. You have to be careful with infra-family contagion ».

The schools

“Repril was a very wise choice.” Contagion in schools is low, as pointed out by the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina. “There are cases,” says Speranza, “it is clear, there will still be in the coming weeks but the protocols that we have identified with the Regions are solid and if they are applied rigorously they can allow us to manage the school situation.”

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The ability to test

More than 120,000 tests a day. “In addition to the classic molecular tests,” Speranza explains, “we have used rapid antigen tests at airports since August 13. We will also expand it abroad. The tests will be implemented. Then I use saliva tests: less invasive. “They put us in a better position to use.”

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The vaccine

«Italy in the first row. We will be among the first to close contracts to guarantee an effective and safe vaccine. There is less talk about it, but important work is being done in terms of care. For example, the molecular ones, Italy is in the first row », says Speranza. But we need time: “There are still months to go. The vaccine will arrive, but we need months of resistance “
