Covid, here’s how to bypass another crash. Selective closures and limited movements


5 thousand broken quota. A thousand more positives every day. No one expected such a rapid progression either at Palazzo Chigi or among the experts on the scientific committee. The alarm is set at a deep red level; the precise echo can be heard even in his sober style in the words of the head of state: “Keeping Italy open is a common responsibility, freedom is not an exclusively individual fact, but is achieved with others.” Affirmations that leave no room for doubt. Closing everything is useless and it also hurts ”. The Pharmacologist: Let’s do it like Sweden. The specter is that of a new blockade. Officially everyone excludes it: “There will be no new total closure.” But often with an important addition: as long as the increase in infections does not continue to gallop. The Minister of Affairs admits that the issue has returned to the field …

Broken quota 5 thousand. A thousand more positives every day. No one expected such a rapid progression either at Palazzo Chigi or among the experts on the scientific committee. The alarm is set at a deep red level; you can hear the precise echo even in his sober style in the words of the head of state: “Keeping Italy open is a shared responsibility, freedom is not an exclusively individual fact, but is realized with others ”. These statements leave no room for doubt.

Closing everything is useless and it even hurts ”. The pharmacologist: we like Sweden

The spectrum is that of a new lock. Officially everyone excludes it: “There will be no new total closure.” But often with a significant addition: as long as the increase in infections does not continue to gallop. The Minister of Regional Affairs admits that the issue has returned to the field bowl: “Closure between regions? Nothing can be ruled out.” Statements that create fibrillation in the majority and are sent back to the sender of the Governor of Liguria Everybody: “It is as possible as the landing of the Martians.” The minister softens his tone: “If we have to intervene, we will do so with the Regions.” For this reason, Conte urgently calls a summit of heads of delegation for the afternoon and with Boccia himself who then jumps (probably to do it today), in part because the minister of Renz BellanovaHe does not have time to return from Apulia, perhaps a little because the Minister of Health also has some difficulties, but many because no one knows what to do. After all, the emergency is twofold: the infection crisis is accompanied by the tampon crisis. In many regions the situation is dire.

Covid, Campania is on the brink. “Hell in seven days”

Waiting hours, insufficient health centers and a tension that rises as much as the virus. So much so that Interior Minister Lamorgese issues a warning: “Be careful not to increase social anger.” Certainly we must move immediately, reviewing the dpcm that must be released on the 15th, if we do not want to close everything tomorrow. As always, they face a more drastic line embodied by Speranza and Franceschini, and a more cautious one also adopted by the prime minister.

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The proposal on the table is the adoption of the so-called Latin model: in the province of Lazio, where contagion runs faster than in any area of ​​Italy, Zingaretti has established very strict rules: banning even private parties with more than 20 people, maximum 4 guests at club tables, early closing of pubs, bars and restaurants at midnight, prohibition of meeting in public areas and prohibition of relatives from visiting patients in health facilities.

In the hope that it will be enough, because the next step would be the closing of the stores and the post-closing how to reach schools and production centers. Minister Azzolina also explained yesterday that infections in schools are in very low percentages. A way of reaffirming the desire to keep schools open without switching to distance education.

“Covid like Spanish: it will last two years”

Gives Chigi Palace However, they are interested in pointing out that the summit was far-reaching, not just Covid. In part, they do it to turn off the alarm. Partly because the list of problems is so long. Mattarella points out the problem again, addressing Brussels: “The emergency requires punctuality.” The clash between the European Parliament and the EU presidency has paralyzed the negotiation of the recovery fund and the possibility that these funds will sneak into the second half of next year is real. A huge mess for Italian accounts, which evokes a political one of no lesser dimension. With the Recovery That slows down and the virus accelerates, the pressure from the Democratic Party multiplies to immediately access the loan of the Month and, for the first time, this becomes a matter of conflict in an already torn M5, because some Grillino is in favor. The icing on the cake is the vote on the budget change in the Senate on Wednesday. On paper there should be the 161 necessary votes, but if there are absences in the majority for fear of contagion, reaching that threshold will be impossible.

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