Covid, here is the containment plan for the Umbria region


The Umbria Region has adopted a containment plan designed at progressive levels of criticality, such as those designed for attacks or natural disasters. And it is no coincidence that, in addition to the regional council (Coletto in the room with President Tesei, the others in connection), to present it, there was also the man who in the 90s and 2000s represented civil protection in Italy, all the tragedies and most of the great events that occurred in Italy: Guido Bertolaso.


The explanation of regional management plans

From ‘containment’ to ‘safeguard’

There are four levels in total, but we are already at the third. Currently the Umbria Region is in the ‘containment plan’, which is activated in these hours. But if the situation were to precipitate, making these resources no longer sufficient (we are talking mainly about beds in intensive care), a ‘safeguard plan’ is ready. The aim is to limit the risk of overloading individual healthcare facilities and, at the same time, guarantee adequate levels of care for other types of patients, taking into account the safety of patients and operators. The fourth-level plan will allow the management of both covidual patients and other activities, and finally foresees the hiring of 222 healthcare personnel, including 23 doctors from various specialties, 35 anesthetists, 116 nurses and 48 health social workers.

Beds in the ICU

For the development of intensive care beds, it is expected to reach 127, dedicating 78 to the Covid and 49 to the generalist, with variable modules to be quickly prepared for emergency situations. There are currently 48 beds occupied by Covid patients in intensive care (this is the highest point ever reached) and just over thirty in the generalist. In the course of his intervention, Claudio Dario also explains how Spoleto was identified as a Covid Hospital among the Goddess of the first level: by the geographical location, the number of beds, the distance to other hospitals and the specificity. It is the only one that allows different entrances for each department and each floor. In contrast, the Hospital del Valle del Tíber Medio, on Screen, was identified as a Covid Hospital with less intensity of care; considering the geolocation of the structure, the possibility of carrying out the structural reconfiguration quickly, the possession of a spatial distribution that allows the identification of independent areas to be used as care spaces for Covid positive patients.

Health, Tesei urgently summons the unions

Urgent call for CGIL, CISL and UIL from the president of the Umbria Region, Donatella Tesei, who asked the unions to resume a direct conversation for the management of the difficult pandemic phase. “On Tuesday morning – explain in a note the secretaries of the three Umbrian trade unions, Vincenzo Sgalla, Angelo Manzotti and Claudio Bendini – the president, at the request of the prefect of Perugia, declared his willingness to confront the trade unions, in particular on the facts of health workers. For our part – they continue – we reiterate the reasons that led the sector to proclaim the state of unrest and the various initiatives this week, starting with today’s in Spoleto. “The three secretaries define the attitude of the regional health advisor Luca Coletto last week as “very serious”: “First he postponed the meeting with the workers’ representatives and then he despised him and left after a few minutes. Such an attitude is intolerable – remarked the three secretaries – which shows the lack of attention of those who have the maximum political responsibility in the matter, in front of the deficiencies highlighted by all health professionals and also n reiterated in the online assembly last Saturday ”. A new meeting between the department and the sector’s union organizations is scheduled for Wednesday, after which Cgil, Cisl and Uil will return to the confrontation with President Tesei. “On the basis of the answers that we will obtain on Wednesday – conclude Sgalla, Manzotti and Bendini – we will decide, with the workers, the new initiatives to be implemented and we will not hesitate to exacerbate the fighting actions if this paradoxical situation persists, in which workers and Umbrian health workers, in addition to being under enormous pressure from the emergency, is also ignored by their referral counselor.

The protest in Spoleto

The protest of health workers

“I protest, but I do not stop”: this is the motto chosen by the CGIL, CISL and UIL for the mobilization of the Umbrian health workers, which started from the Spoleto hospital and will continue in the next few days for the rest of the region, to reaffirm the great sense of responsibility and the extraordinary commitment that public health operators put into their work every day, but also all the shortcomings of an absolutely deficient regional policy. A union delegation presided over the entrance to the Spoleto hospital, San Matteo degli Infermi, a structure converted into a Covid Hospital in a few days and without the necessary guarantees and protections, according to the workers who were part of the garrison. Along with the health workers were also those of the health transport contracts, who have suffered, against their will, a change of contract that involves, in the middle of the emergency, a salary cut of almost 500 gross euros per month.

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