
Rome, October 15, 2020 – Much has been debated in these months of pandemic Coronavirus in the Iflock mmunits. It was talked about in Britain before Boris Johnson got sick too. We talk about him model-Sweden. Today they intervene 80 scientists all over the world who claim that the idea of stop virus achieving herd immunity is a dangerous mistake, not supported by any scientific evidence.
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Keeping the spread of the virus under control: implementation rules to respect – it is instead the best way to protect society and economy until the arrival of effective therapies and vaccines and avoiding new blockages. This is precisely the unanimous voice of 80 scientists from around the world and from various scientific competencies, including epidemiologists, pediatricians, virologists, psychologists, who wrote the open letter. ‘Memorandum of John Snow’, released today on The lancet; The letter will also be featured on the program of the 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020.
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According to the group “it is essential to act with decision and urgency“and it is necessary” to implement and expand effective measures capable of controlling the transmission of the virus “but also”support programs financial and social issues that foster community responses and address inequalities that have been amplified by the pandemic. “
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter for October 15
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