Covid, green light in the Council of Ministers to close for the Christmas holidays. Draft decree law



Here is the draft of the Christmas decree with the measures regarding the restrictions of the Christmas holidays

Green light for Christmas decree on the new squeeze for the Christmas holidays in the Council of Ministers, which has just ended. Prime Minister’s speech expected shortly Giuseppe Conte.

On holidays and before holidays between December 24, 2020 and January 6, 2021, the measures are applied throughout the national territory“From the Dpcm of December 3 on the red zones”,On December 28, 29, 30, 2020 and January 4, 2021, the measures apply”About the orange areas.

This is what we read in the draft of the new Covid decree, composed by Article 3me, with restrictions for Christmas.

The end-of-year anti-Covid-19 squeeze is expected: first the summit between Conte and the majority heads of delegation, then between the Government and the regions and at 6 pm the Council of Ministers.

LIVE | Decree Law of Christmas, 10 days of red zone and 4 of orange from December 24 to January 6 [LIVEBLOG]

Further, “During holidays and the eve of holidays between December 24, 2020 and January 6, 2021, transfer to private homes is only allowed once a day, in a period of time between 05:00 and 22:00, towards a single house located in the same region and within the limit of two people, in addition to those who already live there, in addition to children under 14 years of age over whom these people exercise parental authority and disabled or not self-sufficient people who live together“.

The draft also reports that “The curfew is not envisaged, compared to the one established so far at 22, in the decree on the Christmas squeeze that the CDM is preparing to approve. In fact, in the draft, for visits allowed to a maximum of 2 partners for once a day, reference is made to “a period of time ranging from 5 to 22”, or the limits of the current curfew“.

Weekdays and holidays – or 28, 29 and 30 December and the January 4th– “Movements from municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants and for a distance of no more than 30 kilometers from the relative borders are also allowed, excluding in any case movements to the provincial capitals ”. We still read in the draft decree on measures for the holidays.

In the draft of the decree, which will be examined by the CDM tonight, there is also a reference to the sanctions that refer to those already provided for in the decree of last March 25. “Violation of the provisions of this decree and those of Decree Law December 2, 2020, n. 158, is sanctioned in accordance with article 4 of the decree-law of March 25, 2020, n. 19, converted by law May 22, 2020, n. 35Says the text of the draft.

Article 4 of the legislative decree of March 25 provides sanctions of 400 to 1000 euro for those who break the rules.

In addition, the draft of the decree that the CDM is examining tonight ‘opens’ the possibility of visiting friends during the holidays. In fact, the text does not specify the need for some degree of kinship, as suggested, to allow visits. In the understanding that only 2 people are allowed to move to private homes with the “exception” for children under 14 years of age who are not counted.

