
The Government-Regions Summit began in the morning to make a decision on the restrictive measures planned for the Christmas period.
Summoned by the Minister bowlThe Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the extraordinary commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri, also participate in the meeting via videoconference.
“It is necessary to tighten the measures and increase the controls according to the indications contained in the Dpcm of December 3, modulating them as deemed appropriate“Here are the main indications of the Scientific Technical Committee at the end of today’s second river meeting, which substantially confirmed the need to strengthen the control device for meetings in squares, streets and shopping streets in these days before Christmas.
“It was a difficult and intense meeting in which all the members of the Committee expressed themselves, as always happens in our meetings. In the end we reached a meeting point and unanimously shared the need to tighten the measures to contain the infection. Therefore, we suggest that Minister Roberto Speranza and the government consider the provisions of the legislation already in force “. The coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee said: Agostino Miozzo.
Therefore, the CTS is oriented to “Greater rigor for the period of the Christmas holidays, with more controls, an absolute ban on gatherings and maximum precautions everywhere.”
The work of the prefects fights, the Regions slow down: the school at a crossroads
The hypotheses of restrictions on the table remain two, which will also be evaluated with the Regions: one softer and the other more rigid. The latter provides for the passage of all Italy in Red zone therefore on holidays and days before holidays December 24-25-26, December 31 and January 1, January 5 and 6.
To carry this line forward would be the ministers Dario Franceschini, Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza.
Instead, the softer line is not necessarily to decree a ‘red zone’ for all of Italy, but only in the most exposed areas. The next hours will be decisive.
Even the school watches with great interest the evolution of the Government’s options and the advance of the epidemic: it no longer seems so obvious that on January 7 we can go back to school in secondary school at least.
Miozzo (Cts): we can’t imagine children in dad for another 6 months