In the night, he passed away, at the age of 82, Roberto Consiglio, journalist, historical correspondent for l’Unità, communist leader and councilor of Foggia in the seventies, hunched over by Covid.
To trace a poignant memory of a “great and unforgettable protagonist of the left of Foggia” is Domenico Rizzi, provincial president of Arci di Foggia. Born in Bari, he came to Foggia very young, in the early seventies. “It was brought by Michele Pistillo, historical leader of the PCI of Apulia, who after seven years of leadership of the Bari federation, had been sent to head the communist federation of Capitanata – remembers Domenico Rizzi – Here Roberto had an important experience as a correspondent for thirty years for l’Unità and also for Paese Sera, as well as as a political leader of the city of Foggia, dedicating himself above all to informational issues. In 1972, under the impulse of Pietro Carmenus, he gave life to the newspaper Il punto di Capitanata, which played an important role, in a particularly delicate phase of the political life of Capitanata, characterized first by the neo-fascist attack and then by the great advance of PCI of the mid-seventies. As a journalist he recounted not only the life and changes of the Captain, but also the exploits of the Foggia de Zeman team with the enthusiasm that distinguished him ”.
In 1976 he was elected councilor of Foggia and remained in the city assembly for more than fifteen years, also leading the communist group of the council. Among other things, he was for several years a member of the PCI secretariat and secretary of the city of Foggia. In 1991, after the Rimini congress that sanctioned the dissolution of the PCI, he chose to join the Communist Party of Refoundation and later the Italian Communist Party, founded by Armando Cossutta, of which he was also provincial secretary for several years.
Roberto allowed himself to be loved for his tenacity, sympathy and joviality, qualities that allowed him to overcome even the most difficult moments such as the death of his beloved Nicoletta, dedicating himself to the care of his daughters with loving paternal care. – Rizzi concludes – Unfortunately, Covid has doubled it. He likes to remember everyone who knew and loved him ”.
The Vittorio Foa Foundation also offers its last goodbye to his friend Roberto, expressing its deepest condolences to the family: “Have a good trip”. “A constant and friendly companion at all times”, writes about him Loredana Olivieri of the CGIL. Lino Del Carmine, CGIL provincial secretary since the 1990s, talks about “a great loss for the left and for the city”: “You were an exemplary colleague, of course, always ready to assume your responsibilities. Endowed with a great critical and self-critical sense. Ideologically rigorous, but never locked in the towers of dogmatism and sectarianism. Your human story, Roberto, is a noble story, complete., full of feelings. Roberto was a man endowed with great personality, sensitivity, a very fine culture, never ostentatious “.
“One of the few politicians who really believed in young people is leaving – Fabrizio Cangelli, spokesman for the Federation of the Greens, says today: Well, if I had to point out one of Roberto’s greatest virtues, I would have no doubt: he really believed in young people ”.
He transmitted his passion for political activism to many young people who thank him today: “Have a good trip, comrade.”