There are 215 new cases of Covid in Ciociaria. After the six deaths on Friday, there was only one death yesterday. But the amount of blood of Ciociaria in Covid in the last period is high: there are 39 victims in 18 days. The last one was from Paliano. The call of the ASL is renewed to maintain correct behavior, common sense, respect the rules and pay the utmost attention to avoid risks to one’s own safety and that of others.
The victim
Yesterday, although the regional bulletin did not report it yet, another 59-year-old victim was registered. The mayor of Paliano Domenico Alfieri made the announcement: “Our fellow citizen Maurizio no longer exists. This bastard virus, this ruthless monster took him away. With Maurizio, a wonderful person, I had a wonderful time together, working in the Palianese wineries in mid-August as volunteers. Unforgettable moments that made me appreciate who he was. Today is a sad day that cuts your legs but we have to react and not give up. We must keep fighting because we will win this war, sticking together and being responsible and vigilant. We also owe it to people like Maurizio who lost their lives. Hello Maurizio, may the earth be light for you ».
And contagion
The 215 infections reported yesterday by Frosinone ASL are the result of analysis of more than 2,400 swabs. A figure that makes the ratio between cases discovered and tests performed, between ASL and private laboratories, slightly below 9%. The largest increase of the day is that of Frosinone with 23 new cases of Covid, followed by Monte San Giovanni Campano with 18. And in this center, which, in the second phase, had a great explosion of cases (despite a first phase quiet), but which has recently slowed down, the attention of the ASL is focusing, which is studying possible clusters. Followed by Alatri 17, Sora 14, Cassino 10, Isola del Liri 9, Veroli 8 and Anagni 7. In total there are 50 municipalities affected by at least one infection. In the province – according to Seresmi – there are only two countries without cases: Acquafondata and Casalattico. The last to leave the list of zero cases, San Biagio Saracinisco, now three.
The data
For the fifth time in six days, the number of infections for the week remains below 300. From November 2 to 8, however, four times it exceeded 300 compared to the only day, with 305, on November 12. . A sign, perhaps, that the figure is settling and is not growing anymore. This week the new positives have increased by 1,270 units. This is 211.66 cases per day, below the average for the month. In November, with 3,713 total cases, the average was 265.21. Compared to last Saturday (at that time the total was 1,762 with a daily average of 293.66) there are 492 fewer infections, which in percentage terms is equivalent to -27.9%.
Meanwhile, there are other limitations. From Aquino, Mayor Libero Mazzaroppi reports that “infections in the area continue to increase and considering that we have a duty to protect and safeguard the health and safety of fellow citizens and decongest hospitals that are in serious difficulty, as of today (yesterday, ed .) we have activated a series of restrictive devices that we believe are absolutely essential in this delicate phase. It should be noted that the measures were agreed upon and shared by my majority also with the minority group Afn. I thank the councilors for the sense of responsibility set in motion, for their willingness to dialogue and for a serene and constructive discussion aimed at the exclusive good of the community. After the closure of the non-food market, we decided to limit and regulate public access to the municipal office, close the green areas and equipped playgrounds. The museum and the social center for the elderly were already closed. We will increase controls throughout the city, which, it must be remembered, is also under video surveillance. We are all in this battle against Covid-19 ».
From Isola del Liri, Mayor Massimiliano Quadrini communicates “the positivity of four of our fellow citizens, all placed in home isolation. To date, there are 133 cases of positivity. Nine were negative.
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