“This virus is very difficult. We have acquired a lot of information, but we do not know everything. This second wave will probably be stronger than the first and the impact on the health system will be immediate, in the next three weeks, in resuscitation services” : He said. the president of the French scientific committee, Jean-Francois Delfraissy, to the microphones of RTL.
For him, there are currently “probably more than 50,0000 cases of coronavirus per day.” Delfraissy believes that this figure “is close to 100,000 cases per day.”
Covid: France, more strict curfew options or semi-lockdowns
Delfraissy: ‘But the decision depends on politics’
(ANSA) – PARIS, OCTOBER 26 – Faced with the strong resurgence of the coronavirus there are “two options”: or a “more massive curfew both in timetables and in the geographical extension at the national territory level” and one confinement “less tough “,” Irish “type. “In both cases the schools should remain open”: said the president of the French scientific committee, Jean-Francois Delfraissy. Interviewed on RTL radio microphones, Delfraissy stressed however that any decision in this regard depends on the government and politics