Covid, first province in mini-confinement: here is the ordinance


The governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, imposes strong restrictions from today for two weeks in Latina in public places. Parties with up to 20 people.

It is the province of Latin the first to undergo the emergency shutdown of the second wave of coronavirus in Italy. Starting today and for 14 days, the restrictions provided for by the order signed yesterday by the Lazio governor, Nicola Zingaretti, are in force.

The measure was decided, as explained in a note from the Crisis Unit of the Region, “taking into account the 155% increase in cases registered since October 4 and in relation to the ASL Latina notes on October 7 “.

Here is that what the Zingaretti ordinance requires over the next two weeks in the province of Latina to counteract the greater spread of COVID-19:

  • share in a number maximum 20 people, prior registration and adoption of general prevention measures, participating in private parties, even after religious ceremonies (weddings, christenings, etc.); for the latter, the measures still in force will continue to be complied with;
  • fee for maximum 4 guests per table, with respect to social distancing, in restaurants and in food and beverage supply areas;
  • close early pubs, bars and restaurants at midnight;
  • obligation to exhibit, at the entrance of the commercial business and of Offices open to the public, a poster indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time, in relation to the size of the premises and in compliance with social distancing;
  • ban on meeting in areas facing the access of schools, banks, post offices and other public offices as well as in public places (squares, parks, beaches, etc.);
  • prohibition of access to sanitary, socio-sanitary and assistance facilities for visits to family or friends in the hospital or regulated access, in exceptional cases and with prior written authorization from the head of health of the hospitalization facility;
  • quota on the number of people who can attend at the same time gyms, dance schools and other activities of a sporting nature carried out in closed places with a poster indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time in relation to the different areas of activity of the structure, including changing rooms, in compliance with social distancing, ensuring the activities of surveillance by the merchant;
  • favor the agile work, when possible, in companies with offices in the province of Latina.

The mayor of Latina, Damiano Coletta opens his arms: «Without a doubt there has been an increase in the number of contagion which influenced this decision to tighten the containment measures for 15 days, ”says the mayor. “It is necessary to recover that degree of attention and awareness on the part of the citizens of Latina and the province, theincreased infections It could be caused by the tourist bubble that the city and the province registered during the summer, especially in August with a high number of visitors.
