An 84-year-old man from Perdifumo who tested positive for covid, hospitalized two nights ago in intensive care at the San Luca di Vallo hospital, was transferred to Benevento last night. For him, intubation was necessary. A fifty-year-old man who tested positive for Novi Velia also remains intubated for resuscitation. His condition is of particular concern.
The same concern for a thirty-four-year-old from Agropoli, intubated in the covid facility, his mother died and he has a brother who is also hospitalized.
The covid area of the Vallo health center is full of patients, positive cases must remain in San Luca waiting to be transferred to Agropoli or other covid facilities but it is not easy given the large number of coronavirus patients who are register throughout the territory south of Salerno, many of whom must be hospitalized.
An 83-year-old woman positive for covid, with pneumonia and operated in recent days for a fracture of the femur, also hopes to be transferred to the San Luca hospital. The woman was sent to Agropoli two nights ago, then she returned to San Luca waiting for a place in the Campolongo hospital because she needed a structure where she can also perform physiotherapy. In Agropoli, considering the emergency and the increase in cases, the number of beds has doubled. For two days, 20 places of medium and low intensity have been available in the Covid department in Agropoli.
There are still 6 in intensive care and 2 in subintensive. There are currently more than 820 positive cases registered in the territory of the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park. Up to 73 municipalities where positive results are registered, very few municipalities that are currently free of covid.