EU Guidelines: “Caution and Prudence During Holidays” The Christmas mass, in times of Covid, is better to follow it on television or streaming. In the draft of the guidelines on anti-Covid measures, Brussels insists on the need to continue down the path of social distancing and protective masks, advising to maintain the curfew, even on the occasion of the New Year. The suggestion is to spend the holidays in the name of “prudence” and “caution” to avoid a resurgence of infections.
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Dpcm, the Regions: “The prohibition of collecting is fundamental”The ban on collecting will have to be the “cardinal principle” on which the new Dpcm will later focus, which could also provide for the closing of the borders in the Alps. This is the meaning of the long meeting of the Regions that met in a current to seek agreement on the guidelines that will be brought to the government table when they meet with the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, Commissioner Domenico Arcuri and the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli.
Zingaretti: “Don’t repeat the mistakes of this summer” The day served to take stock of the new measures for the Christmas holidays, from the move to the inaugurations, from prohibitions to curfews. And if any governor presses for a timid reopening, such as the Aosta Valley which, despite the region being considered a red zone, has decided to reopen the proximity stores, others, such as the one in Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, consider “diabolical “Repeating the mistake of this summer, when the common sentiment was ‘free everyone’, which became the cause that contributed to the new heavy wave of the pandemic.
There are still interregional travel nodes and ski resorts The conference also received an invitation to the government to authorize interregional movements between areas of the same color, although the intention of Palazzo Chigi appears to be to ban them from December 19 or 20 until Befana. The only certainty, for now, is the hope that the free halfway to the ski resorts. As requested by the Alpine regions, and then also by Abruzzo, the structures could be open to hotel guests and second home owners. The date and the modalities of use of the ski lifts will be established.
The EU will not enter the subject of winter sports “The powers of Brussels are limited – underlines the EU – and these are decisions that are the responsibility of the member states”. Given the split between the 27, with Austria which, although not without doubt, is currently seeking to open its ski facilities, and Italy against it, as well as France and Germany, the Commission prefers not to enter into the issue, but urges the “coordination” and “mutual information” between countries, especially between neighbors, also to avoid difficulties in border areas.
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Curfew from 22:00 to 6:00 even during holidays It seems already established, then, the maintenance of the curfew from 10pm to 6am even on holidays. On Tuesday an extraordinary meeting of the CEI, the Episcopal Conference, will be held to take stock and plan the Christmas religious services, also taking into account the invitation of the European Union to avoid gatherings during the traditional midnight mass on Christmas Eve.
School, 100% reopening only after January 6 Another hot topic is that of the school, whose 100% reopening will only take place after the Epiphany. The next Dpcm could contain a measure, proposed by the Ministry of Education, that entrusts the prefects with the task of coordinating, in their respective territories, the organization of the transportation system linked to school activities.