Also in Emilia-Romagna, following the urgent measure adopted on Thursday by the Italian Medicines Agency following the notification of some ‘serious adverse events’, the ban on the use of the Covid-19 AstraZeneca vaccine batch was ordered “ABV2856 expiration 05/2021 “.
After the stop in Denmark and other countries.
The Regional Directorate of Health Policies sent, in fact, immediate communication to all the competent structures, with the request to verify and communicate the availability of packages of this batch and, where appropriate, put them aside, keeping them in the refrigerator and accompanying. them with a specific wording ‘Do not use’, pending new provisions and controls by Aifa. Therefore, the evaluation of the presence of doses of this batch of vaccines is ongoing throughout the region.
The virus keeps galloping
The communication of the Region was sent to all the General and Health Departments of the Health and Hospital Trusts, Irccs, Primary Care Departments and Pharmacy Departments of the Company, with a request for dissemination to general practitioners and a response close to the pharmacy structure. the region.
The Region informs that “there are 11,907 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine from batch ABV2856 with expiration date 05/2021 – whose use has been suspended by Aifa as a precaution – that have been used until Thursday in Emilia-Romagna, out of a total of 60,691 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine administered “. In addition, the regional health department specifies, “in Emilia-Romagna no abnormal reactions have been observed.”
Aifa’s decision, as stated by the Agency itself, was taken “after the notification of some serious adverse events, in temporal concomitance with the administration of doses belonging to the ABV2856 lot of the AstraZeneca anti Covid-19 vaccine.” Therefore, Aifa decided as a precaution to prohibit the use of this batch throughout the national territory and “reserves the right to take new measures, when necessary, also in close coordination with the EMA, the European Medicines Agency”. He also clarified that “At the moment a causal link between the administration of the vaccine and these events has not been established.”