Bologna, November 26, 2020 – Arrives in Emilia romagna the Vaccine for COVID-19. What seemed to many an unattainable hope will now become reality, so much so that the Region has already identified the first recipients: 170 thousand among health workers (90 thousand) and guests from health and social care structures (80 thousand), therefore nursing homes and residential semi-residential and day centers, for the disabled and the elderly.
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The vaccine should be available from mid-January in. The supply that the Ministry of Health has provided for the regional territory – based on the estimate of the necessary quantity indicated by Viale Aldo Moro – will therefore be used in the first instance for the most exposed and fragile categories and those most affected by the epidemic. as established the Department of Health. The manufacturer is Pfizer, its vaccine (developed with BioNTech) according to the tests carried out so far, exceeds 90% effectiveness and provides a double dose, the second is administered about three weeks after the first. The doses that will reach Emilia-Romagna are, therefore, a total of 340 thousand.
The Region has already made progress in establishing what will be vaccine storage centers, with the special freezers necessary for its conservation, throughout the territory, from Piacenza to Rimini. Last Friday the sites were identified, in agreement between the Department of Health Policies, the health authorities and the hospitals and health establishments that will administer the first doses, whose arrival is expected in the coming months.
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“We moved quickly – comments the regional adviser for health policies, Raffaele Donini -, to give an answer to the ministry about the needs of estimated doses in Emilia-Romagna, for the first segment of the population to be vaccinated, and in the identification of ideal places for the conservation and storage of the vaccine: when distribution begins at the national level, we will be ready to proceed with the vaccines. ”“ Regarding new doses and coverage for a wider range of citizens – Donini adds -, the ministry will decide naturally and our Region will be ready “.
But there is already a category ready for battle. It is the general practitioners who, explains Fabio Mario Vespa, secretary of the category for Emilia-Romagna – “depending on what happens in the national context, they would be out of this distribution because they are not employees of the ASL.” “If so – he warns – we will make ourselves heard because we want to get the vaccineWe are the first filter between Covid patients and hospitals, we have daily contact with patients, we visit and monitor them, also because ASL tracking, at this time, is in difficulty. ” It is a duty of the Government to offer the vaccine to general practitioners and, if this is not the case – he announces – we are ready to react ”.
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