Bologna, February 15, 2021 – This morning, in the regional territory, there were inconveniences for several hours on the day that Covid vaccine stocks to the people over 85. Slanted phone lines, out-of-service electronic medical records, and even Cupweb service with problems. The Region announces that the Cupweb platform problems are being resolved. Instead they still remain temporary problems for Ausl Romagna, but the health company assures that they are working to solve them.
Covid Newsletter: data from Italy and Emilia Romagna from February 15
Despite the misunderstandings, there were at 11 a.m. – says the Region – almost 28 thousand reservations (and precisely 27,779): 13 thousand in Bologna (city and province), 1,020 in Imola, 500 in Piacenza, 1,327 in Parma, 1,500 in Reggio Emilia, 2,850 in Modena, 1,750 in Ferrara. Finally, 5,832 people booked in the area covered by Ausl Romagna, distributed as follows: 1,194 in Cesena, 1,472 in Rimini, 1,804 in Ravenna, 1,362 in Forlì. the First administrations are scheduled to more than 85 tomorrow February 16.
Comment Apologize to the elderly – by Massimo Pandolfi
Ausl Bologna: “Those who cannot book, try again tomorrow”
Morning phone call boom in Bologna e the ASL Bologna toll-free lines immediately go crazy: Thus, whoever dialed the number was answered by a recorded voice that, from Telecom Italia, indicated that “the number is temporarily inaccessible.” Even booking through the electronic medical record he had gone mad. Already since midnight yesterday the service was out of service and even this morning at 7 o’clock it did not work. While the first rows had begun in the Cup of the pharmacies.
The Bologna Ausl number is 800.884.888 and the service is active from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 17.30 and on Saturdays from 7.30 to 12.30. But the Ausl of Bologna suggest waiting for tomorrow to those who cannot reserve. “Anti-Covid vaccination: at 11 in the morning and 15,000 reservations in the Region, in the first hour 20,000 phone calls”, tweets the Ausl. “Moments of overload but the system maintains, warns, who tries to reserve and fails, wait a few hours, or postpone the reservation until tomorrow”, is the suggestion.
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Malaise in Romagna
However, Bologna was not the only city in the region in which there were inconveniences and misunderstandings. as well from Romagna there have been strong complaints. “I cannot make reservations for my parents either on the web or by phone – it was the disappointment of one person -. A pharmacy in Castrocaro He told me that the system is blocked and to try again in the afternoon ”. Then another uncomfortable voice came: “Today the reservation service for covid vaccines over 80 years old was starting or should have started… I tried to call. Due to system problems, the service is suspended, says a voice. The number is 800 002 255 “.
The Ausl de Romagna company, after the complaints, had written that “it causes technical problems in a single cup program, he is ordered to temporarily suspend the reservation of the Covid vaccine “. However, it seems that even here the problems are being resolved.
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