Covid Emilia Romagna vaccine: here are the doses, we start at 2 pm “Great emotion”


Bologna, December 27, 2020 – It’s the Vax day throughout Europe and also in Emilia romagna the first doses of vaccine arrive Pfizer-BioNtech, that from 2:00 p.m. it will be administered to 975 regional health professionals, from Piacenza to Rimini. Great emotion this morning, when in front of theBellaria Hospital of Bologna, the police arrive with him Vaccines for COVID-19.

The pharmacists – Paola Zuccheri, Morena Borsari and Beatrice Mantovani from the business-to-business pharmaceutical department Ausl and Aosp – are already there, ready to accept the doses that will then depart for all the provinces of Emilia-Romagna. Escorted by the traffic police.


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The first to arrive, when it is not yet daylight, is the regional adviser for health policies Raffaele Donini (video)It is 7:20 am: “Last night I slept little, from 3 to 5, due to the excitement and tension. Everything should go well because we have to do general rehearsals for the January administration.

Bonaccini: “A light at the end of the tunnel”

“There is emotion because we do not hide that those who lived in the front line this terrible year that I hope we will leave behind very soon in a few days, have such” memories “that sometimes one even wonders. how we managed to endure such a dramatic and unprecedented situation. I believe that for the whole country, for the world, it is an important day. “The President of Emilia-Romagna and of the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, said his speech on Rainews 24.
“An important day – he added – because the vaccination operation is finally beginning that allows us, today, to see a very distant light at the end of the tunnel but which – he concluded – in the coming months, will get closer and closer.

“At the beginning of March we want to believe, we are sure that we are going with the rest of the population, obviously starting from the elderly and the
higher risk categories “.” Today we all start together and in the coming weeks we will see what day of January, I hope that as soon as possible, we will go out for the vaccination campaign for all Italian public health professionals and patients in nursing homes. “

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Vaccine day: the breakdown in Emilia Romagna

For the ‘Vaccine Day’ in Emilia-Romagna, the remedies distributed to doctors and nurses, giving priority to vaccinators: 50 to Piacenza, 100 to Parma, 100 to Reggio emilia, 150 to Modena, 225 (+50 for a CRA) Bologna (including staff of Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes), 25th Imola, 50 to Ferrara and 225 in the territory ofAusl of Romagna.

It is a first outpost of around 180,000 professionals, among those working in the health field (92,000 600 employees) and those working in facilities for the elderly and disabled (84,000 600 people), which constitutes the first population segment that conforms to the provisions of the ministry. della Salute will be vaccinated. Each company has configured the exact place, within the health facilities present in the competition area, where the vaccines will be administered tomorrow.

The arrival of the doses to Modena in Maserati

They arrived in Maserati, that of Italian Red Cross, the 150 vaccines that today so many doctors, nurses and pharmacists in Modena will be injected. The vehicle, which left Bologna early in the morning, was escorted by the police to the Baggiovara service center, on via Minutara. The Modena traffic police accompanied the medical vehicle on the trip with Commander Enrico Tassi.


Digos and carabinieri have also prepared the security device with the coordination of the Prefecture. The box with the vials was transported in a refrigerated red suitcase and arrived in Baggiovara at 9.30. At the helm a CRI operator. Ausl’s health director, Silvana Borsari, explained: “The vaccine vials were delivered here to the service center by our chief of the pharmaceutical service, today we are going to make the vaccines. There are 30 vials, each containing 5 doses of vaccine. By the end of next week, more than 7,000 doses will arrive and there should be supplies each week. The first recipients are the health workers of the hospital network and the emergency system and the social health workers of the Cra ”.

A company car escorted by the local police transported 25 doses of vaccine to the Imola racecourse medical center, destined to be administered to as many health workers in the Ausl of Imola.

In general in Romagna 225 operators are vaccinated today, only to restart with the second phase of vaccination, for the rest of the health workers and for the operators and guests of the facilities for the elderly, at the beginning of January.

From Bologna the vaccines arrived at the Ausl headquarters in Pievesestina, then from there they were sent to Fiera di Rimini, Cesena Fiera and Pala De Andrè, where they arrived around 10.15.

Where vaccinations are carried out from 2:00 p.m.

Each health authority has defined the place where the vaccines will be administered from 2:00 p.m. Piacenza: Hospital analysis laboratory; Parma: Maggiore Hospital; Reggio Emilia: former Spallanzani hospital; Modena: Baggiovara Ausl Service Center(via Martiniana 21);Bologna: Courier bus station me Residence ‘Cardenal Giacomo Lercaro’; Imola: Medical Center of the Autodromo; Ferrara: Sant’Anna di Cona Hospital; Asl Romagna:Pala De Andrè aRavenna, Rimini Exhibition Center; Cesena Fair.

At 2:00 p.m., the President of the Region, Stefano bonaccini, you will be at the vaccination point in Modena, at the Ausl Service Center in Baggiovara; the commissioner Donini at the Bologna courier station.
