Covid Emilia Romagna, dark orange zone for 14 municipalities



Dark orange zone, from Thursday, February 25 to March 11, for 14 municipalities of Emilia-Romagna where for days there has been a situation of progressive criticality due to the increase in Covid-19 infections. This is what the Region and the mayors have decided. A measure that affects all the municipalities that are part of the Imola Ausl and, therefore, Imola, Castel San Pietro, Medicina, Mordano, Castel Guelfo, Dozza, Casalfiumanese, Fontanelice, Borgo Tossignano, Castel del Rio -, and the neighbors of Bagnara di Romagna, Conselice, Massa Lombarda and Riolo Terme, in the province of Ravenna, which are within the territory of Ausl Romagna.

The provision, on which the President of the Region will sign an ordinance tomorrow, is dictated by the medical-scientific indications contained in the reports of the Local Health Units of Imola and Romaña, which certify a trend of rapidly growing contagion. in the affected areas, with the aim of stopping the spread of the virus, to protect the health of citizens.

Dark orange area, measurements

The measures introduced are even more restrictive with respect to the national measures in force for the orange zone in which all of Emilia-Romagna is located since Sunday, February 21. They largely follow those of a real red zone in terms of activities and trips, without suspending, however, those economic activities that are still allowed in the orange zones of the country. In particular, trips will be prohibited, both within the same municipality and to neighboring municipalities, with the exception of those motivated by proven work needs, situations of need (such as purchase of goods) or health reasons; However, you are allowed to return to your home, home or residence.

It is also established that the activities are carried out only in the presence of the activities of the educational services for 0-3 years and of the nursery schools, while the educational activities for schools of all types and levels will be carried out 100% remotely. organized competitions are suspended by sports promotion bodies, as well as sports activities carried out in open-air sports centers. Sports activities will be allowed only individually and exclusively outdoors. It is possible to carry out the motor activity individually in the vicinity of the house, provided that in any case the distance is at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation to use respiratory protection devices. Cultural and recreational activities are also suspended.

However, nothing changes for economic activities, for which the national regulations in force for the Orange Zone remain in force, including personal service activities. An increase in population monitoring and detection is expected.

“We share with the mayors of the area the need to intervene with specific measures to contain the contagion curve of the Imola district and some neighboring municipalities of Ravenna, on the basis of the data provided by the health structures – underlined the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, and the Regional Councilor for Health Policies, Raffaele Donini-. A painful but necessary and not postponed measure, decided with the agreement of all the parties involved. They are the medical-scientific indications, the epidemiological evolution, the particularly widespread epidemic, through new variants of the virus, and the increase in cases that tell us that we could not do otherwise, to protect residents and the community. We understand the biggest inconvenience for people, after months and months already very hard – Bonaccini and Donini close – but we must limit the spread of the infection at all costs, because we have not yet left the pan emia and we cannot frustrate the efforts made so far. At the same time, together with the mayors, whom I thank for their collaboration, and the health authorities, the Region is willing to do whatever is necessary to remain with the population ”.

An increase in population monitoring and detection is expected. We share with the mayors of the area the need to intervene with specific measures to contain the contagion curve in the area of ​​Imola and some neighboring municipalities of Ravenna, based on the data provided by health facilities – stressed the President of the Region , Stefano Bonaccini, and the regional councilor for Health Policies, Raffaele Donini -. A painful but necessary and irrevocable measure, decided with the agreement of all the parties involved. These are the medical-scientific indications, the epidemiological evolution, the particularly widespread epidemic, through new variants of the virus, and the increase in cases to tell us that we could not do otherwise, to protect the neighbors and the community ”. “We understand the biggest inconveniences for people, after months and months that are already very hard – conclude Bonaccini and Donini – but we must limit the spread of the infection at all costs, because we have not yet emerged from the pandemic and we cannot undermine the efforts made so far. At the same time, together with the mayors, whom I thank for their collaboration, and the health authorities, the Region is ready to do whatever is necessary to remain alongside the population. “

The trend of infections in the records of the last 3 weeks for the Municipalities of Ausl di Imola, which has a population of 133,777 inhabitants, a progressive increase in the cases observed, going from 454 in the week 1-7 of February, to 531 from 8 to 14, to 597 from 15 to 21, for a total of 1,582 new positives in the three weeks, an average of 523 per week and a weekly incidence rate per 100 thousand inhabitants of 1,182.6 in the total period .

Similar situation for the other municipalities of Ausl Romagna involved: Bagnara di Romagna (2,421 inhabitants) has 32 cases observed in the last three weeks, an average of 10.7 per week and an incidence rate in the global period of 1,321.8. Conselice (9,721 inhabitants) went from 16 to 50 cases, 106 in total in the observation period, an average of 35.3 and an incidence rate of 1,090.4. The Municipality of Massa Lombarda, which has a population of 10,538 inhabitants, went from 30 cases in the first week, to 40 in the second, to 45 in the third: 115 in total, with an average of 38.3 and a rate of incidence for the total for the period of 1,091.3.

The ordinance also puts in writing some provisions regarding surveillance and tracing activities, in light of new evidence regarding the increased transmissibility of the new SARSCoV-2 variants.

All measures are applied to strengthen the investigation and contact management activities of the cases indicated in the ministerial circular of last January 31, including the use of molecular tests in the surveillance of close and low-risk contacts and the closure of the quarantine at 14 days. with molecular test; Furthermore, the isolation of the confirmed case cannot be interrupted after 21 days from the onset of symptoms, but must continue until a molecular test with a negative result is performed.

The Local Health Authorities of Imola and Romaña may take, in agreement with the Municipalities within their own jurisdiction affected by the regional ordinance, any other appropriate action deemed necessary in the event of a change in the epidemiological situation.
