Covid: Ema, on December 29 the first green light for the vaccine in the EU – Health


“I don’t want to undermine the work of our vaccine experts at Pfizer and Moderna, but I can anticipate that the preview of the data we received on December 1 is positive in terms of efficacy and safety. This was stated by the director of the EMA, Emer Cooke, in an interview with Repubblica and other international newspapers in which he announces: “We will probably speak on December 29 for Pfizer and on January 12 for Moderna. ”

“We have yet to verify the quality of the production chain and the ability of companies to prepare the remedy on a large scale. Our experts have asked for additional information on these aspects, just as we have asked for more details on security. that we do on a daily basis, “explains Cooke, who says:” In Europe the authorization process is independent, we do not feel under political pressure.

In any case, the pressure is scientific because we want to be sure that we are doing the best for the citizens. “As for the possible secondary effects,” with the authorization we will establish strict control measures on the entire population, including the elderly “, Cooke stresses.

“Producers will have to inform us about any negative event and each month they will have to send us data on the progress of vaccinations. In this way we will be able to understand if any case is related to vaccination, to particular cases ”. Who should receive the vaccine first “is a decision that corresponds to the national authorities. But it must be said immediately that the vaccine is not a magic wand, the population – he emphasizes – will have to continue to comply with all restrictions such as masks, hygiene and distancing because everyone “At first there will be no doses for everyone and even later, for some time, until the impact of the vaccine is completely clear.”

Meanwhile, the National Drug Control Authority (MHRA) recommended today not subject to Covid vaccination anyone with a history of “significant” allergic reactions. The indication came after that two of the hundreds of people who received the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine in the UK – the first country to launch public distribution yesterday, after the green light given in recent days by Mhra himself – have had allergic reactions.