Covid, Drug Test for Immediate Immunity in Britain – Abroad


Rome, December 25, 2020 – The Britain overcomes and 70 thousand deaths from Covid (with the 570 registered on Christmas Day, the total rises to 70,195), but meanwhile the country experimentation of a drug for prevent a person from getting infected of the Coronavirus and develop the disease. This was reported by The Guardian, explaining that antibody therapy could guarantee immunity 6-12 months and could be given as emergency treatment to both hospitalized patients and nursing home guests. In this way, the appearance of outbreaks with the participation of fragile subjects would be avoided. Also, the drug could be given to people who live in families where someone has contracted the virus.

“If we can show that this treatment works and can prevent people exposed to the virus from developing” the disease related to “Covid-19, it would add another element to the arsenal of weapons that are being developed to combat this terrible virus.”, Explains the virologist Catherine Houlihan ofUniversity College London Hospitals NHS Trust (UCLH), which is conducting the Storm Chaser study.

According to the British newspaper, the drug was developed by UCLH and AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company that, together with the University of Oxford, has also created one of the vaccines to be used against the Coronavirus. The aim of the study is to show that the antibody cocktail protect you from Covid-19 for a period of between six and 12 months. The subjects involved in the trial receive two doses, one after the other. The Guardian further explains that if approved, the treatment would be offered to those who have been exposed to Covid in the previous eight days.

The drug may be available from March or April in case the approval of the national regulatory body arrives. The study involves ULCH, several other UK hospitals and a network of 100 sites around the world. “To date, we have administered ‘the drug’ to 10 participating subjects (staff, students, and others) who have been exposed to the virus at home, in a healthcare facility, or in students’ classrooms,” Houlihan adds. Any immediate protection offered by the fermaco could play a decisive role in reducing the impact of the virus on the population that waits for everyone to be immunized.

The drug includes a antibody combination long-acting known as AZD7442, developed by AstraZeneca. Unlike the antibodies made by the body to fight an infection, AZD7442 uses monoclonal antibodies, which have been created in a laboratory.

In another trial, called Provent, scientists are looking at whether the drug can protect them too. people with compromised immune systemsSuch as those undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, who have recently been exposed to the virus but have not yet been vaccinated, or in whom immunization has not been achieved due to the previous condition. According to reports from The Guardian, both rfovent and Storm Chaser are now in phase 3.

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