European Council, vaccinations and “the reopening of the school until sixth grade even in the red zone”. There are three main issues on which the Prime Minister, Mario draghi, focused on today’s press conference: the first to take stock at the end of the European summit that took place these days in which the US president also spoke, Joe biden. And the other two, vaccines and schools, which animate the country in this period and in the center of the control room that took place in the morning before the new decree of anti-Covid measures. “The situation continues to be very worrying. We had decided that if there was space, we would use it for school up to sixth grade. Opening more will increase the number and forms of contagion,” observed the head of government, also responding to criticism moved by Matteo salvini in favor of reopening.
Covid, in the red zone schools open until sixth grade from after Easter. The yellow zones ‘suspended’ until April 30. Lazio in orange
by Michele Bocci

Vaccines: from exports to sanitary sanctions
“Before, the only requirement to authorize the blockade of the export of vaccines was that in the past the contracts had not been fulfilled – said the prime minister. Mario Draghi – We were the only ones to block the export of vaccines. Now the EU Commission is expanding the web into which exporting companies can fall. The EU Commission broadens the criteria. The criteria established by the commission is in part a modification of the previous criteria. Previously, the only requirement for a given vaccine to stop exporting was for a company not to comply with the contract. Yesterday the commission broadened the criteria by introducing the words proportionality and reciprocity. It also matters what the country to which a vaccine is destined does, that is, whether or not it allows exports. Proportionality and a more subtle criterion refer to the shipment of vaccines to a country that already has a high percentage of vaccinated ”. Draghi also explained that “the export blockade is totally shared, the decision is unanimous by the EU countries. But now the emphasis is all on the block but we do not go out with the blocks but with the production of vaccines, it is the only thing that will get us out of the pandemic and give us confidence to travel again, to build relationships. “.
Therefore, there will be no changes in the vaccine distribution model. “We and Germany have decided not to.” “The blockade must be implemented especially towards companies that do not respect the agreements. The total blockade” of the export of vaccines to the United Kingdom “would interrupt the production of the vaccine, in addition to generating political tension. There and we will not get there.”
EU Summit, Draghi movement: “New deal and Eurobonds to get out of the crisis”
by Tommaso Ciriaco, Roberto Mania

On the Russian Sputnik vaccine, Draghi specified that “the EMA is not expected to speak” for three to four months. “Ema has not been asked any questions yet,” the premier said. “I would be careful to make contracts” in Sputnik because yesterday the president of the commission highlighted how, based on an investigation carried out by the commission in dialogue with the Russian investment fund, a maximum of 55 million doses can be produced, of which 40% in Russia and the rest abroad. two-dose vaccine, unlike Johnson & Johnson, and the EMA has not yet been formally applied for this, but it is reviewing the various components and the EMA is not expected to be pronounced for another three to four months. If all goes well, the vaccine would be available in the second half of the year. Health, life and death are at stake, we must seek the coordination Europe and if the solution is not seen, we must look for other ways. But I would be careful to make certain contracts, ”Draghi repeated.
So, hard line with the health workers who rejected the vaccine. “The government intends to intervene: it is not good for unvaccinated health workers to be in contact with the sick. So I imagine a decree will come. Minister Cartabia is taking a measure in this regard,” the premier commented. And the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza: that of operators unvaccinated health workers “is a norm in our scrutiny but we recognize that the adherence of health personnel has been very broad, it is the vast majority and has set a good example. There is a very minimal piece, which we are quantifying, on which we evaluate an intervention with a norm. “
For Draghi, the age criterion is fundamental. “What I said in Parliament to the Regions was a spontaneous reaction to the differences between the different regions. The Constitution grants powers to the central government in the event of a pandemic. My call was also a call for collaboration, I wanted to say the reminder that you have to vaccinate the frail and 80-year-olds and then go by age order. I also said that the age criterion should be a priority again. Then it is the grandparents who stay with their grandchildren “, the former president of the ECB He said that next week he will vaccinate with Astrazeneca, as he himself recalled, also underlining that “as of today all the global figures” relating to the administration of vaccines “can be verified on the website of the presidency” and that the production of the vaccine against Covid in Italy will be possible “in three or four months.” And about the budget variation, he said, that “it will be carried out with the Def, therefore in mid-April. We do not announce the figures to see the effect it has, we see what and how many needs there are and from there the necessary deviation arises “.
Schools and reopening
Prime Minister Draghi is clear: opening more increases infections. And he confirmed the reopening of schools from next week “until sixth grade.” A news expected by many families after the closure of two weeks in the regions that have passed in the red zone. Then the news, already anticipated yesterday: the possibility of rubbing the students. “In some cases it will be possible to carry out anti-Covid tests, but talking about global action seems excessive to me. Education Minister Bianchi is working to ensure that the reopening is carried out in an orderly manner. Opening even more increases contagion forms. School up to sixth grade is not a source of contagion, up to a point, ”he noted. Then, addressing the governors, he specified: “Their elections will have to be reconsidered in light of the executive’s assertion that school attendance is the primary objective of government policy.”
Salvini: “It is unthinkable to keep Italy closed in April”
Regarding the closings of next April, there is tension in the majority. The criticisms come from Matteo salvini: “It is unthinkable to keep Italy closed even for the entire month of April. In the name of the common sense that distinguishes it, and especially of medical and scientific data, we ask the president Draghi that as of April 7, at least in regions and cities with health conditions under control, closed businesses will reopen (obviously safely) and will come back to life from restaurants, theaters, gyms, cinemas, bars, oratories, stores. Any proposal in the Council of Ministers and in Parliament will have the approval of the League only if it foresees a gradual and safe return to life. “And, in the distance, during the press conference, came Draghi’s response:” To reopen or not It will depend on the data, “which underlined that the only relaxation of the anti-Covid restrictions will occur for schools up to sixth grade.” Measurements have shown over the course of a year and a half that they are not limited to air. It is desirable to reopen, the decision to do it or not depends on the data – added the premier – We will make a decree now but based on the data available today: we will see how they go, I do not rule out the changes in progress. We will assess the situation week after week. “
Therefore, continue with the sacrifices and vaccines to stop infections in the hope of being freer in the coming months. So much so that, responding to the words of the Minister of Tourism, Massimo Garavaglia, who invited Italians to book their summer vacation, Draghi commented: “I agree with him, if I could go on vacation I would gladly go there.”