Covid does not forgive virtuous countries: 30 thousand cases in Germany, army in Seoul


Servicethe second wave

Almost 30,000 new cases in Germany, an army mobilized in South Korea to help with the location. And in Berlin a new grip is being prepared

by Michele Pignatelli

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An intensive care unit at the Robert Bosch hospital in Stuttgart

Almost 30,000 new cases in Germany, an army mobilized in South Korea to help with the location. And in Berlin a new grip is being prepared

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Almost 30,000 new cases in Germany, an army mobilized in South Korea to support medical personnel. The coronavirus pandemic is not letting up, not even in the most virtuous countries. Not to mention the United States, where deaths in 24 hours set a new and tragic record: 3,253.

Germany: a worrying trend

What is striking (and worrying) in Europe is above all the situation in Germany, as further highlighted by Angela Merkel’s sincere appeal to the Bundestag for a reinforced closure during the Christmas holidays. The latest newsletter from the Robert Koch Institute records 29,875 new infections in 24 hours, more than 6,000 more than the previous day and 598 victims, a record so far. The figure provided by John Hopkins University, which has 32,734 new cases and 604 deaths, is even higher.


The Chancellor and the Presiding Ministers of the 16 Länder will discuss the situation in a meeting called on Sunday; The main measures being considered are the closure of non-essential businesses and the anticipation and extension of school holidays. Berlin at the beginning of November had closed bars, gyms and cinemas, but without stopping classes and allowing other commercial activities: a slight blockade compared to other European countries, which however does not seem to have slowed the spread of the virus.

The measures that come

“We have to intervene,” said Economy Minister Peter Altmaier at a press conference on Friday morning. We are about to have to extend the lockdown measures »following the model of what was done in the spring, with the closure of schools and most of the businesses. Someone, at the regional level, is already moving: the Minister-President of Baden Wuerttember, Winfried Kretschmann, has announced that the Land will enter a lockdown immediately after Christmas. But when, according to Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, it could be too late: “If we wait until Christmas – he said – we will have to deal with high numbers for months.”

The causes of deterioration

The worsening of the situation in Germany, where the contagion rate has reached 156 per 100,000 inhabitants and the employment rate in intensive care units is 83%, does not have to do only with the soft blockade. The spread among the elderly population is weighing – Institute President Robert Koch Lothar Wieler noted Thursday that outbreaks in retirement homes are now twice as high as in August – and the contact tracing system highly efficiency has entered a crisis, which had made it possible to keep the first wave of the pandemic under control. An alarm in this regard had already been launched in October by the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, who had stressed that local authorities were finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of the transmission channels.
