Covid, doctors were infected, cured, and infected again within a few months.


TREVISO Two times infected by the coronavirus in a few months. It is the misfortune lived by two doctors from treviso: one specialist of the Ca ‘Foncello medical area and a doctor Basic. The events confirmed the fears about possible reinfections. Fortunately, the numbers are not very high: so far few people, compared to the total number of infected, have been affected by Covid-19 again after having left a first infection behind. But there are cases. And these open up a thousand possible immunity considerations, much of it yet to be explored. What happened to the two doctors confirms once again that no one can lower their guard.

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Contagion after healing

“Unfortunately it is something that can happen. We also saw him directly with a doctor at the hospital – explains Francesco Benazzi, general director of the Brand’s USL – at the moment we do not register high figures in terms of reinfections. But it is not a possibility that can be excluded. The Ca ‘Foncello medical specialist was infected with the coronavirus twice during the first wave, between March and April. He was initially involved in the outbreak that took place in the medical area. Then it was negative. But apparently without developing the antibodies. So much so that he later found out that he was infected again. And only tests carried out after the second quarantine confirmed the presence of the antibodies. The story is similar to that of the family doctor. The latter became infected for the first time in August, when the contagion curve was minimal but did not disappear. After the quarantine he resumed his work. In October, however, he discovered that he had been shot again. And so he had to go through a second isolation in less than three months, fortunately without developing serious symptoms.

The doctor goes to the hospital with shock written on his shirt: “Deniers vaff … Here are people who suffer”

A doctor from Giulianova defies the deniers and publishes an eloquent photo on his Facebook profile, in the Abruzzo dialect, which sends those who preach that the virus does not exist to that country. The protagonist is Gabriele Congedo, who works in the two Covid rooms installed in the west pavilion of the Giulianova hospital, in the province of.

In short, Covid does not drop it. Unfortunately, the deaths also confirm this: in the last five days there have been 13 missing people, between 66 and 95 years old, who after the positivity had been hospitalized in hospitals in Treviso. “All had other previous pathologies,” specifies the health company. And it is obviously no consolation to anyone. With the latter, the deaths registered in the Brand in the almost 9 months of the epidemic amount to 447, that is, from the end of last February to today. These days we are at the peak of infections. And now, after the incubation period, the peak of hospital admissions is also expected. The USL plans to play it between tomorrow and Thursday. This is the most difficult moment of the second wave. Benazzi announced yesterday that the surgical services of the different hospitals will be temporarily merged, with the parallel reduction of non-urgent interventions, to recover personnel. “We will not create other Covid departments – stresses the CEO – but we will integrate and support the staff of existing Covid departments”. Is essential.

Covid, the alarm of doctors: “Hospitals will collapse in two weeks”


Yesterday 403 new positives emerged. The virus has also entered 307 school classes: 121 are in quarantine (which is triggered even for a single case from kindergarten to first grade or for several cases in the same group from second grade to the last year of high school) and 186 are in the car. -monitoring (when only one case per section is registered from second grade on). In almost 9 months, more than 20,500 Treviso residents have been affected. More than half, exactly 11,369 people, are fighting the coronavirus infection right now. There are currently 435 Covid positive patients admitted to hospitals. Montebelluna, which is 118, is now on the edge. The aim is to open the old Guicciardini hospital in Valdobbiadene with its 60 places as soon as possible. Your goal is to do it within this week. Unfortunately, among the 435 hospitalizations, intensive care hospitalizations have also increased. Today there are 32 people who need resuscitation. The numbers remain stable in Treviso and Conegliano (respectively 15 and 5) while between Montebelluna and Vittorio Veneto they have more than doubled: the first has gone from 2 to 6 and the second from 3 to 6.

Covid, how to treat yourself at home if you are positive? From cortisone to oximeters: here’s the protocol

How to cure if you have Covid and are at home in isolation? Until now, there was no single cure, we navigated by sight, listening to opinions and treatments recommended by general practitioners. Now the help finally comes from the document “Home management of patients with SarsCov2 infection” to which the president of the Higher Health Council, Franco Locatelli, contributed.

Last update: 11:27

