(ANSA) – TURIN, NOV 03 – “We had asked since June, faced with a possible new wave of infection, to provide an adequate management plan for the pandemic, reorganizing Piedmont health structures, trying to increase the number of doctors and nurses , reviewing the management of triage. None of this has been done and today we find ourselves living in a dramatic hospital situation, almost out of control. ”This is the comment of the secretary of Cimo Piemonte, Sebastiano Cavalli, hospitalized for observation in the hospital of Verduno.
“It is really inadmissible because it is always the health personnel and the citizens who pay the price,” adds the secretary of the Piedmontese doctors union. Piedmontese healthcare structures are collapsed, intensive care is once again obstructed and alternative solutions will soon need to be found to ensure the safety of patients and doctors.
“We are concerned – adds Cavalli – health personnel are already subjected to great stress, exhausting shifts and especially the number of infected and hospitalized patients that continues to grow. Now we have to work together and quickly, also because in addition to Covid patients, there are people affected by other serious pathologies who have every right to be treated with the same urgency ”. (HANDLE).