LECCE – Provided molecular tests for the diagnosis of Covid-19 although it did not have authorization. It is an analysis laboratory identified by the Carabinieri of the Anti-Sophistication Nucleus of Lecce during a series of controls planned by the central command throughout Italy. As for the laboratory, whose commercial value amounts to 800 thousand euros, the closure has been ordered.
The controls were carried out in agreement between the Carabinieri of Health Protection and the Ministry of Health, probing the world of sampling and diagnostic analysis for the search for the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Well, during the last week, 285 companies and analysis laboratories, both private and affiliated, have been inspected, as well as other similar structures that operate in commerce and in the provision of molecular, antigenic and serological analysis tests.
The inspections, carried out at the national level, revealed irregularities in 67 centers, with the challenge of 94 criminal and administrative offenses, for a total of 145 thousand euros in penalties. Sixty per cent of the violations detected by Nas’s army are attributed to non-compliance with the rules and behaviors related to the application of epidemic containment measures.
In detail, among the most frequent irregularities, the lack of authorization to carry out blood and biological sampling activities (swabs), carried out illegally and in inappropriate environments, was pointed out. This is 15 percent of the alleged violations and the Salento case also falls.
Regarding the omitted or delayed communication of the positive cases that emerged after the clinical analyzes of the users, the figure was 14 percent, with respect to the penalties found. These are breaches considered particularly serious due to the loss of useful information for the correct and timely monitoring of cases and the consequent uncontrolled spread of contagion situations.
There was also a lack of preparation and implementation of preventive plans and protocols within the clinics, such as the lack of management procedures, sanitizing and sanitizing products of the premises (11%) and technical and professional requirements in the execution of diagnostic tests, finding in six episodes, for various reasons, the absence of qualified laboratory technicians and the use of expired reagents and diagnostics, nevertheless used in carrying out the analyzes.
During the controls, the carabinieri also identified the abusive activation of blood and biological sampling points in improvised areas, due to the lack of adequate sanitation conditions. In one case, a population screening campaign was launched, entrusted by some municipalities to a laboratory, without prior communication to the health authority.
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Another phenomenon observed is the retail sale to clients, in pharmacies or even in herbalists and perfumeries, of kits for serological analysis of antibodies intended only for professional health use and not suitable for self-diagnosis. It was precisely in this context that 153 diagnostic kits and medical devices illegally held for retail sale or for testing purposes were seized. In addition to the case denounced by the Nas de Lecce, there are operations in Catania (two), Pescara, L’Aquila, Latina, Aprilia, Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria, Campobasso, Bologna and Cremona.