Covid decree, stop travel between regions until March 27: teachers, Ata and students can go home [VIDEO]


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The Council of Ministers approved the Covid decree law. The measure extends the inter-region travel ban until March 27 and the rule that limits trips to private homes to two adults and only children under 14 years of age.

There are exceptions for travel between regions. You can go beyond regional borders (with self-certification) for proven work needs, situations of need or for health reasons. Returning to one’s residence, domicile or home is always allowed. This, of course, also applies to school personnel working off-site.. This is also true for students studying outside the home. they can return to their residence or domicile.

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The Council of Ministers, at the proposal of President Mario Draghi and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, approved a decree-law that introduces new urgent provisions on the containment of the epidemiological emergency due to COVID-19.

Taking into account the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the decree provides for the continuation, until March 27, 2021, throughout the national territory, of the prohibition to travel between the different Regions or Autonomous Provinces, except for movements motivated by needs or proven work situations. out of necessity or for health reasons. In any case, the return to one’s residence, domicile or domicile is allowed. Until March 27, 2021, in the red zones, trips to private homes other than one’s own are not allowed, unless it is for work, need or health reasons.

On the other hand, trips to private inhabited homes are allowed, between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., in the yellow zone within the same Region and in the orange zone within the same Municipality, up to a maximum of two people, who can take with they are children under 14 years of age (or others under 14 years of age over whom they exercise parental authority) and disabled or not self-sufficient partners.

In orange areas, for municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants, travel to different municipalities is also allowed, provided they are within 30 kilometers of the borders.

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Covid decree, stop moving between regions until March 27. In the red zone, no home visits [VIDEO]

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