Covid, De Luca authorizes private facilities to perform swabs


A meeting was held in the Region called by President Vincenzo De Luca, with the members of the Crisis Unit and the general managers of the Local Health Authorities and the hospitals of Naples and the province for a general control of the progress of the infection .

During the meeting, also in consideration of the epidemiological situation and the ongoing massive contact tracing, it was decided to authorize private structures to carry out swabs to private individuals, with the obligation to communicate the positive and negative results to the regional health platform . .

The general managers were reiterated the indication to communicate the results of the swabs in 24/48 hours maximum, with special attention to suspected cases in schools. The competent structures have been summoned to transmit the telephone numbers that allow the result of the swab to be sent by text message, as is already the case in some laboratories.
Tomorrow the Soresa competition will be awarded to choose additional laboratories capable of increasing the number of buffers.

In the saliva tests, the Ministry of Health announced that a specific type of test will be validated shortly. Tomorrow, President De Luca will meet with Minister Speranza and Commissioner Arcuri for a general check and to anticipate the request for a significant supply of newly validated salivary tests.

Emphasis was also placed on the availability of beds and the completion of the so-called “Phase C”. Today’s figure was reported in the daily bulletin already released. “There is no shortage of beds on a regional scale, as is feared by the inaccurate news circulating in recent days,” reads the press release from the Crisis Unit.

The situation. Tamponi, therefore, Campania turns the page and, after a long controversy, opens up to private laboratories. Not only by authorizing testing by employees of public and private companies, but also finally giving Mr. Rossi the green light: any citizen who is afraid of being infected can contact any private laboratory. The decision was made for various reasons, firstly because of the spread of the virus among the population, which requires an unsustainable commitment from public diagnostic reference centers. Let’s see. The Campania of Covid 19 is the first in infections (today at 544), the last in tampons. And if you got the best of the first wave, you will fare badly with the second. Very bad indeed, despite the strict containment measures taken by De Luca. And it is bad not only because it is the region with the highest number of positives in relation to its population density, but also because of the chaos that reigns in the execution of positive detection tests. Today the Region reports that 7,405 swabs have been made, few compared to those in Lombardy, which were 21,500 out of a total of 2 million since the beginning of the 232796 pandemic. And even more disastrous is the handling of the procedure, from the initial phase of the request until delivery of the result.

It works like this. Anyone with suspicious symptoms, fever, cough and even respiratory problems should contact the attending physician: the latter enters the patient’s data in the SicGesan computer platform (activated on March 28). It is used to collect the names of subjects to monitor and swab a deaf database. From the moment of insertion, a group from the Department of Prevention of the Local Health Authorities selects, making a first filter, the most urgent issues to screen. Initially, it was the primary care physician who called the referral group to receive news of his patients, as the procedure eased over the months due to the huge increase in demand.

And tampons are judged, in part, in Frullone (for ASL Napoli 1), Cotugno (center for infectious diseases in Campania where symptomatic patients who go to the emergency room are treated on their own) and in part in other centers, such as the Institute Zooprophylactic of Portici or in peripheral or metropolitan hospital structures such as the San Paolo hospital in Naples.

Times. From the moment of the request, the local health authorities must perform the swab (with home collection for symptomatic patients) within 48 hours, but it occurs only sporadically, while most of the time they wait ten or even fifteen days . Equally long is the wait for the test to confirm the negativity of those in home isolation. At the moment, the accumulated delay in the execution of the swabs has involved more than 5 thousand tests. The reason? Lack of technical staff, reagents and laboratory equipment. In the last hours, only Cotugno has asked for reinforcements to guarantee personnel shifts even at night.

Costs Obviously, they only refer to private structures. The range is around 50 euros, ranging from a minimum of 30 to up to 75 if there is a request for a homemade tampon.
