(ANSA) – ROME, DEC 15 – “Reinforce measures and increase controls in accordance with the indications contained in the Dpcm of December 3, modulating them as deemed appropriate. These are the main indications that the Scientific Technical Committee put pencil on paper at the end of today’s second river meeting, which substantially confirmed the need to strengthen the control device for concentrations in squares, streets and commercial streets in these days that precede Christmas. The minutes prepared by the Committee refer to the risk of concentrations but not to the possible or eventual closures of the regions or of the red, orange or yellow zones. Especially indoor places and those where the mask can be removed are of concern to experts. On the movements, which will be blocked as of December 21, the Committee has not expressed itself, leaving the decision to the government on how and where to close based on the data it has.
The meeting, which appears to have been quite heated, thus ended with a report focusing in particular on controls and meetings. Now it will be Palazzo Chigi who decides the new grips in the coming days. (HANDLE).