Covid, Crisanti analysis of the epidemic: what the data says


Andrea Crisanti intervened during a debate on Venetian healthcare in Vicenza to talk about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic

The Immunologist Andrea Crisanti spoke during a debate on Venetian healthcare in Vicenza to talk about the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic. Regarding the daily data provided by the Ministry of Health bulletin, as reported by Ansa, Crisanti stated that “they cannot be interpreted: the cases of today have nothing to do, from a numerical point of view, with those of the past. That is why nothing can be said or commented on ”.

Coronavirus, the daily data read by Crisanti

The coronavirus epidemic in Italy, which in recent weeks has been registering a growing trend, is having a substantially different impact than in March and April. For Crisanti, the situations cannot even be compared in terms of the relationship between deaths, new infections and tampons: “They are completely different things.”

Regarding the health conditions of the newly infected, of which the pulmonologist Sergio Harari also spoke, Crisanti observed: “We intercepted many people who are well and many asymptomatic. Before, the asymptomatic did not even ‘exist’ and those who were about to die were hardly evaluated ”.

The professor of microbiology at the University of Padua then underlined, based on the data, that “all the countries that immediately reopened everything have triggered a increased transmission very early. Italy, for its part, has differentiated itself and the regions that reopened earlier register more cases than the others ”.

Coronavirus, what will happen with the return to school

Then, before the start of the school year, Crisanti said: “If decisions have been made at the national level, it is only fair that they be carried to the end and let’s see what effect they will have.”

The immunologist then expressed his personal opinion about the return to the classroom: “I for the opening of the school I would have done different things. The measures must be evaluated according to the objectives, which in my opinion are basically three ”.

School, the three objectives of Crisanti

“The first – Crisanti has listed – is to guarantee that I boys do not get infected at school, the second is protect teaching staff from transmission and not a school teacher, and the third is to make sure that the return to schools does not trigger a uncontrolled transmission for the whole society “.

Finally, for Crisanti, “measuring the temperature at home makes very little sense in my opinion because everyone works differently and with different thermometers, it is a measure that has little scientific knowledge. In addition, children should be vaccinated against influenza, because influenza in the initial stages is totally indistinguishable and runs the risk of triggering a system of isolation within classes and families.

VIRGILIO NEWS | 08-29-2020 23:50

Coronavirus, identikit of new positives: how the infection occurs

Photo source: ANSA

Coronavirus, identikit of new positives: how the infection occurs
