Covid coronavirus bulletin from Milan and Lombardy today December 26, 2020


Fewer patients admitted to hospitals, including intensive care units, + 1,606 positives, another 36 deaths and +658 recovered. These are the numbers of the covid epidemic in Lombardy on December 26, Santo Stefano. Disseminate the data of the Lombardy Region with the usual bulletin, which also highlights 15,337 swabs made in the last 24 hours, – 9 people in intensive care and -137 in the other departments. In Milan there are +499 cases of coronavirus, of which 313 in the city

data from December 26 to 2

Meanwhile, Sunday December 27 is anxiously awaited, the date on which the first 1,620 doses of the anticovid vaccine will be delivered in Lombardy. “This is the symbolic beginning – affirmed the councilor for Social Welfare Giulio Gallera – of a true vaccination campaign that will begin in the coming days according to the schedule provided by the National Plan prepared by the extraordinary commissioner Arcuri who is in charge of vaccinations. All over the country”.

In the Region, the first vaccinated will be the presidents of the orders of doctors and nurses, then the representatives of the social and health workers. And then the general practitioners, the RSA ER and ER personnel. Among the Milanese who will undergo the vaccine, Professors Galli, Zangrillo, Rizzardini, Pesenti, Harari, Pregliasco and Signorelli.
