“We have come to the end of this year going through a pandemic crisis that has disrupted our economy and society and we still do not have to lower the threshold of care but this year the role of the agricultural and agri-food supply chain has been clearly demonstrated. You are the one. backbone of this supply chain, “Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said at the Coldiretti assembly.
“You are the true food heroes that the country can count on. Food has never been lacking, not even in the most difficult months. The sector has demonstrated its strategic importance in protecting the food sovereignty of our country.”
Blangiardo (Istat), in 2020 more than 700,000 deaths as in ’44 – “2020 is not over yet, but a reasonable assessment suggests that this year we will exceed the limit of 700 thousand deaths in total, which is a worrying value because something like this last time, in Italy, had happened in 1944. We were in the middle of World War II ”. To illustrate the numbers from which the weight of the Covid pandemic is also deduced, it was, during the broadcast of Agorà on Rai Tre, the president of the Istat Gian Carlo Blangiardo. “In 2019 – he specifies – the figure was 647,000 dead.”