
Domenico Arcuri, commissioner for the covid emergency, will continue the logistics part, but only for the “last mile”, the final distribution. Gianni Rezza, director of Prevention at the Ministry of Health, heads the group of scientists who should develop guidelines on anti-Covid vaccines, starting with the criteria for the categories to which they should be administered.
The vaccine should be stored at minus 70 degrees
But the task force that will have to follow an unprecedented operation in the country’s history – vaccinating 60 million Italians in four months – has not yet been born. The problems are gigantic, from safety to guaranteeing the “frost chain” of one of the vaccines we are talking about, that of Pfizer and BioNThech, which must always remain at a temperature below minus 70 degrees Celsius to be stored. For this, the Army will be used, Civil Protection will be involved, all the forces of the country will be used so that our life returns to normal. There will also be security problems and the material will be kept in secret and armored warehouses. In addition, all transits from airports, ports, trucking, to warehouses, to health companies, must be organized in a timely manner.
Vaccine, hard-to-carry doses: Pfizer’s cure is fragile. And Italy lacks a plan
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In the case of the Oxford-Irbm-AstraZeneca vaccine, the variable of the need for very low temperatures will not exist (it will be enough to store it at minus 8), in the case of Pfizer-BionTHec, on the other hand, the issue of conservation at minus 80 is central. Professor Andrea Crisanti, from the University of Padua, observes: “Italy is doing well to play at various tables, to prepare for the acquisition of different vaccines, because at the moment, until there are published data, we cannot be sure which one. it will really work. And I hope that all data is published transparently, given the accelerated path of experimentation. “
And says Professor Masimo Galli, from Sacco di Milano: “There is no country in the world that finds it easy to create a cold chain for large quantities of vaccine that must be stored at such low temperatures. I hope that others will arrive at the same time and that the use of more vaccines will guarantee us an important coverage and the mythical collective immunity, but this time for real ”. Yesterday, the European Union confirmed the purchase of 200 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine (with an option for another 100 million) of which 27 million will go to Italy. Additional contacts were made for other types of vaccines in the phase 3 trials (AstraZeneca, Sanofi-Gsk and Johnson & Johnson).
Given the acceleration on the production front, the Italian government is also shortening the time needed to develop the vaccine storage, distribution and administration system, the first doses of which should arrive in Italy by the end of the year. During a summit between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the majority heads of delegation, it was decided to entrust the operational plan to Arcuri. This is because, as observed by more than one participant in the meeting, the working group created on November 3 in the Ministry of Health ran the risk of not being “fast enough in decision-making and in the operational process “. Hence the need for “a single interlocutor for the logistics part, in order to guarantee efficiency and total security”.
Arcuri, which has already organized the distribution of masks and school desks, will take care of the transport, storage and distribution of the vaccine that must be kept at a temperature of -80 ° before being introduced into vials. A complex operation. In fact, it is not excluded that Arcuri will have to resort to army structures, in addition to hospital structures, for the management of stocks, their conservation and then distribution in the national territory.
Hope in Parliament
On the health and political side, it will be Speranza, in early December, to bring the vaccine administration plan to Parliament. It will be the moment in which the categories to which it will be administered first are indicated (doctors, nurses, RSA patients, etc.).
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, November 11, 2020: 32,961 cases, 623 deaths. It passed a million infected
The situation in Italy is 225,640 according to the bulletin of November 11, 2020. The new registered in the last 24 hours are 32,961, deaths are 623 and bring the total to 42,953. Since last April 6, with 636 deaths, there has not been such a high number of deaths.