“What I saw yesterday in some streets of Turin is something that reminds me of summer and we cannot afford it.” The Governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, comments on the images of the crowd that yesterday accompanied the reopening of the stores. “What happened yesterday in Turin is something unacceptable,” he emphasizes to the microphones of Radio Veronica One. “This morning I will participate in the Public Order Commission and I will ask the prefect for very rigorous interventions – he adds – I know the police have done a lot but obviously not enough. The Piedmontese are behaving seriously, but where situations get out of control, we have to intervene immediately. “
“In Piedmont we are not keeping the schools closed, but the second and third grade schools in distance education. I, who have documents, data and know the warning of epidemiologists, if I had not done so I would have been irresponsible,” he later specified . decision to continue in secondary education with distance education despite the region entering the orange zone yesterday. “Let’s not forget, when we refer to face-to-face teaching, that there is distance learning that is working thanks to the efforts of many teachers and professors.” “In January, after Befana, we will all go back to school safe and sound. Forever,” he said, announcing a transportation plan to allow students to travel safely. “He foresees that we will take everyone to school, safely, with an occupation that will not exceed 50% of the means, but we will ask the school to really modulate the accesses, staggering them in the morning, which did not happen in the this year’s school program. ” .
As for the next Dpcm “a known process follows, tomorrow morning here in the States-Regions we will start a comparison – explained the Minister of Regions and Autonomies, Francesco Boccia – then we go to Parliament as it should be and after the confrontation in the Chamber the Prime Minister will pull the strings “.” The confrontation continues between today and tomorrow, “he added. Among family members, however, we must insist on strengthening health networks and to avoid the third wave, rigor and social distancing must prevail over other things.” The month of December, added Boccia, “should coincide with the security of the Country, even if everyone should be allowed to show their attention to others, but this can only be done by paying attention to others.