The decree can wait. The government is still taking time to decide on measures for what has now been called the Christmas blockade. And it is a moment not only technical (Conte was in Libya yesterday to solve the case of the seized fishermen) but also ‘political’, since not only Matteo Renzi has chosen to throw the Christmas dossier on the verification table, but also for him the fact that the governors are divided on many fronts. Dpcm Christmas, Italy’s red zone: the calendar with rules and prohibitions While Luca Zaia, faced with the complex situation in Veneto with the increase in infections, has decided to ‘anticipate’ the measures, closing everything from December 19 to December 7 January and prohibit travel between municipalities after 2:00 p.m., others like …
the decree it can wait. The government still takes some time to decide on measures for what has now been renamed Christmas lock. And it is a moment not only technical (Conte was in Libya yesterday to solve the case of the seized fishermen) but also ‘political’, since not only Matteo Renzi has chosen to throw the Christmas dossier on the verification table, but also for him the fact that the governors are divided on many fronts.
Dpcm Christmas, red zone in Italy: the calendar with rules and prohibitions
While Luca Zaia, given the complex situation in which Veneto with increasing infections, he decided ‘anticipate’ the measures, closing everything from December 19 to January 7 and banning travel between municipalities after 2:00 p.m., others such as the governor of Liguria, Giovanni All, instead ask for a higher elasticity so as not to kill the economy even under the tree, just like the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana: “We have good numbers – he commented – so we can afford not to restrict more”.
To row against the ‘aperturisti’ the pressures of Cts, which requires closures to avoid possible third wave, but also those of three ministers (Boccia, Speranza and Franceschini) who do not want to “give up now” one step away from the arrival of the vaccine. Christmas is more risky than mid-August“says the minister bowl, because today “the RT is higher than when Italy came out of the confinement in May. New restrictive measures are needed throughout the national territory” for which “unity is needed between the State, the Regions and the local authorities.” On the other hand, Antonio Decaro, representing the Municipalities, and Michele De Pasquale (President of the Union of Provinces) also support the new grip, especially on the eve.
A situation, therefore, still fluid, where – in the end – the paths to be followed by the government would always be two: lockdown extended from December 24 to January 6, in the other one ‘alternato’ that includes holidays and days before holidays. So, two total blocks: the first from December 24 to 26, the second from January 31 to 3. In the new meeting this afternoon between the State and the Regions, the final one, the presence of Prime Minister Conte is also expected. Then there will be a cdm that must ratify the final decision, by issuing a new Dpcm.
Moving between regions before December 21: what to do
“The way in which we will leave the Christmas holidays will determine our reserve and help the health networks for the next three months – Boccia stressed -. Yesterday the Regions showed a desire for more restrictive measures accompanied, however, we will launch certain soft drinks soon “.
The truth is that during the holidays control SOn the part of the police, it will be much more incisive. Yesterday, the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, chaired a summit in the Ministry of the Interior, to adopt measures of public order, starting with “specific services in the road and motorway network and, to avoid crowds, in railway stations, ports and airports, as well as in public transport terminals “. More controls also in restaurants and nightlife areas to “prevent the risk of contagion – communicates the Viminale – in public and leisure places, as well as in the usual meeting areas for young people”, or the so-called zones nightlife.
In short, a Christmas what will it be anyway armored, whatever, in the end, the government’s choice. That, however, will contain, as usual, also some ‘recommendations’, such as limiting the Christmas table to “no more than two family members who do not live together”, but also about this, obviously, we are discussing, with Giorgia Meloni who, poisonous , closes: “There are only 8 days until Christmas and it’s total chaos.”
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