
What matters is that there are still 3,801 patients in intensive care and that, in the last week, 4,594 people have died for COVID-19. But it is also necessary to safeguard the psychological balance of Italians and that is why a point of balance is sought in view of Christmas holidays. For Christmas Eve, the night of Dec. 24, the hypothesis of allowing the faithful to go to midnight mass is taking shape, drawing up a list of precautions that still must be respected.
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Mom Christmas me New Year they have other traps, like dinners, balls, bingo, travel, social gatherings. And the government thinks of a Dpcm that limits reckless behavior in that period and blocks travel, even between municipalities. Or between Regions, even if in yellow zone. Last night the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, guest of the program that Fazio presents, explained: «It will be a different, more sober Christmas. Based on the built model, it would be possible to move between regions only if they were all yellow. In any case, non-essential movements should be avoided ”.
Giuseppe Conte confirms that we are thinking of an armored Christmas. According to the premier “this is not the time to claim victory, the virus continues to circulate and will continue to circulate in the coming months.” So what will happen after December 3, when the current Dpcm expires? Conte believes that “facing the Christmas holidays without some additional precautions would be irresponsible, the opportunities for socialization and moments of conviviality are particularly intense during the Christmas period and until Epiphany: if a Region allowed itself to face this period with the system of measures.” precisely in a yellow or orange zone, contagion would leap forward with the risk that the January curve would get out of control again. In summary: only in the first part of December there will be a partial reopening to favor consumption “in compliance with the protocols.” “There is no intention of opposing the tradition of gift exchange.”
Later, however, recklessness similar to those we witnessed in August will be counteracted: “We must limit the occasions of” extended sociability “, which usually accompany the Christmas holidays, with bingo, celebrations, vigils”, preaches Conte. You could say: we can buy gifts but we cannot redeem them.
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Christmas mass
The knot of the Christmas mass remains, on which an opening by the Scientific Technical Committee is not excluded, which can only go through greater flexibility in the curfew. Today starts at 10 pm, there is a possibility, in December, to take it at 11 pm or midnight, but an exception could be possible for Christmas Eve. The fear exists: the green light for midnight mass would also allow for Christmas dinner. “We must be very clear. If we are not unconscious, we cannot assume extended family gatherings, but we must limit ourselves to meetings of a few people, maintaining precautionary measures ».
The coordinator of the Scientific technical committee, Agostino Miozzo, suggested to young people who will be reunited with their parents or grandparents on Christmas that they undergo a quick swab 24-48 hours in advance. Even after the test, care must be taken – masks and distances – because there is always the risk that at the time of collection the virus is incubating or, trivially, the infection occurs later. But the quick swab reduces the chances of contagion and this is already useful. Miozzo on shopping repeats: “We can relax the rules, but those that exist must be strictly enforced. To avoid shopping crowds, rigorous monitoring and penalties will be necessary. Otherwise, all is lost and in January we are with the third wave. Speranza decisively slows down travel between Regions during the Christmas period, a move that would go even further than the current situation where you can travel between one yellow zone and another. However, blocking travel at Christmas would be a very painful measure, in a country where children often live and work in a different region than their parents.
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter November 22: new infections (28,337) and deaths (562) in decline, proportion of positive swabs at 15%
28,337 new cases of Covid have been identified in Italy in the last 24 hours, more than 6 thousand less than yesterday, which brings the total number of people infected since the start of the emergency to 1,408,868. The increase in victims also decreased, 562 in one day while yesterday they were 692, for a total of 49,823.
Last update: November 23 at 09:11