Covid, cases continue to rise: 24,991 In Italy, positives outnumber cured


Covid, cases continue to rise: 24,991 In Italy, positives outnumber cured
  • Wednesday 28 October 2020

New record of infections in the last 24 hours in Italy. The positives are 24,991 (on Tuesday they were 21,994). The dead are 205 (221 on Tuesday), according to data from the Ministry of Health on Wednesday, October 28.

In Italy there are currently more positives than cured by Covid: according to data from the Ministry of Health, in fact, the positives (including those hospitalized with symptoms, intensive care and patients in home isolation) are 276,457 compared to the 275,404,000 cured from the beginning . of the pandemic. The number of positives currently has increased a lot in recent days: only on October 20 there were 142,739 compared to 255,005 cured. On August 25, for example, positives were 19,714 compared to 206,015 cured.

New jump also of patients in intensive care always for Covid at the national level: there are 125 more in the last 24 hours (on Tuesday the increase was similar, +127), for a total of 1,536 people in intensive care. There are now 14,981 patients in ordinary wards, an increase of 1,026. Current positives reached 276,457, 21,367 more than yesterday. Of these, 259,940 are people in home isolation.


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