COVID Cases at School, Classroom Teaching Suspended: DAD and DDI in High School – Downloadable Model



Each school institution of the national education and training system defines the methods to implement integrated digital education, in a balanced balance between synchronous and asynchronous activities, in the hypothesis of total closure of schools. Integrated digital teaching, understood as an innovative teaching-learning methodology, is aimed at all high school students, as a complementary teaching method that integrates the traditional school experience in presence, as well as, in the event of a new confinement or suspension of face-to-face teaching for individual classes (due to the presence of a positive subject), to students of all school grades. The planning of teaching in digital mode must take into account the context and ensure the sustainability of the proposed activities and a general level of inclusiveness, avoiding that the contents and methodologies are the mere transposition of what is usually done in presence. In this case we will deal with the first cycle of secondary school.

Regulation for integrated digital teaching

Considering the ethical implications posed by the use of new technologies and the Internet, at the beginning of the year, the educational institutions established specific provisions for the Institute Regulations on the rules of conduct to be followed in everyone’s connections. members of the school community with regard to respect for others, document exchange, and protection of personal data and particular categories of data (eg sensitive data). In relation to this last aspect, it is emphasized that any form of exchange must only affect personal data that are adequate, relevant and limited to what is strictly necessary with respect to the purposes for which they are treated in accordance with the principle of minimization, taking into account the role and functions of the subjects. that such an exchange is extensive. In addition, the procedures for conducting interviews with parents, Collegiate Bodies and student assemblies and any other subsequent meeting will be regulated. Teachers, for example, when preparing the activities to be proposed to the class in synchronous mode, are in charge of preparing an adequate virtual “classroom” environment avoiding interference between the lesson and the distractors. Even more so in the case of DDI extended to all school grades due to a new epidemiological emergency or unique cases that may affect some classes, with positive students or teachers following a swab, teachers and all school personnel, in various capacities in contact . videos with students and families, they are invited to strictly comply with the requirements established in Articles 3 and following of the decree of the President of the Republic of April 16, 2013, n. 62.

The educational pact of co-responsibility and the DDI

Finally, the schools insert a specific annex in the educational pact of co-responsibility, making reference to the mutual commitments to assume for the realization of integrated digital teaching.

Verification methodologies and tools

The videoconference lesson facilitates the use of teaching methods more focused on the protagonism of the students, allows the construction of interdisciplinary paths as well as overturning the structure of the lesson, from a moment of simple transmission of content to an agora of comparison, of shared reworking and collective construction. of knowledge. Some methodologies are better adapted than others to integrated digital teaching: reference is made, for example, to short teaching, cooperative learning, flipped classroom, debate as methodologies based on the active and participatory construction of knowledge by the students. Students that allow to present didactic proposals that aim at the construction of disciplinary and transversal competences, as well as the acquisition of competences and knowledge. It is recommended that educational institutions carry out focused training that puts teachers in a position to competently face these methodologies, in order to develop their full potential and avoid that, in particular some of them, are based on a reductive study in House. of the assigned material. Class councils and individual teachers are tasked with identifying the tools to verify the learning inherent in the methodologies used. It is believed that any method of verification of an activity carried out in DDI cannot lead to the production of paper materials, except for particular needs related to individual disciplines or particular needs of students. The teachers will be in charge of saving the papers of the students themselves and putting them into operation for their conservation within the repository tools dedicated to it by the school institution.


Current legislation assigns the docimological function to teachers, with reference to the criteria approved by the Academic Board and included in the Triennial Plan of the Educational Offer. Also in reference to activities in DDI, the evaluation must be constant, guarantee transparency and timeliness and, even more so when the possibility of face-to-face confrontation is no longer possible, the need to ensure continuous feedback from which to regulate the teaching / learning process. . The guarantee of these cardinal principles will allow the didactic activity to be remodeled according to the educational success of each student, taking care to consider not only the unique product, but the entire process. The formative evaluation takes into account the quality of the activated processes, the will to learn, work as a team, autonomy, personal and social responsibility and the self-evaluation process. In this way, the evaluation of the objective dimension of the observable empirical evidence is integrated, also through the use of appropriate rubrics and log books, by the most properly formative one capable of returning a global evaluation of the learner.

The purposes of DAD in DDI

What is important to face this new school year more effectively, we can deduce from the document prepared by the Maria Consolatrice Institute of Turin, Lower Baccalaureate, coordinated by the Dean Professor Anna Greghi, who defines the DAD that establishes the objective of the DAD DDI for Baccalaureate “maintaining contact with students and their families, supporting social relationships and guaranteeing didactic continuity, beyond the mere transmission of content. One of the criteria highlighted in the Training Offer Plan of our Institute is the will to “promote didactic support interventions in critical situations”. The Covid-19 health emergency certainly represented an urgency. The student is always at the center of educational action in all its cognitive, affective, relational, ethical and religious aspects. Therefore, with distance education, teachers configure their training proposal taking into account the needs of all students. Hence it follows that no one is left behind with the program, there is no common goal that students must achieve, at least in terms of notions ”.

