According to Nino Cartabellotta, doctor and president of the Gimbe Foundation, without a program there is a risk of a third wave
The second wave “is worse than the first: the center-south is involved, winter awaits us with the flu, health workers are unmotivated and institutions are fighting ”.
Nino Cartabellotta, doctor and president of the Gimbe Foundation in Bologna, in an interview with La Stampa outlines a panorama that is not at all encouraging.
“The epidemiological curve has grown a lot and this has increased positive cases, pressure on hospitals and the dead. We pay for not having prepared sufficient monitoring and adequate territorial prevention. The epidemic could have been better contained and managed ”.
Cartabellotta: “Insufficient measures”
Cartabellotta indicates only one way forward: “Only total blocking in one month it reduces the contagion curve by 50 percent. The government always intervenes in the figures that go back 15 days ago and resigns itself to the persecution of the virus. Again this time the measures seem insufficient turn the curve. “
“Since the beginning of October we needed specific closures and respect in the last Dpcm the functioning of the 21 indicators is not clear, also because these data have never been made public in detail. Last week, new cases increased by 50 percent. The curve is in full exponential growth, even if the situation has improved compared to the previous week when the growth was 90 percent ”.
Cartabellotta: “The third wave is likely in January”
With regard to the government-regions clash, “the pandemic highlights the limits of a system to reform,” he says. The government has long suggested to regions to consider closures, “but without a guarantee of refreshments we are witnessing the blame for responsibility.” Also in the transmission of data on infections by region “Everything must be made public to avoid discovering a shortage of poles, personnel and tampons months later.
After the new closings “it is difficult to make predictions.” To understand the situation “we have to look at the hospitals.” At Christmas “there is no project. My idea is that Dpcm are the result of disorganization ”. No programming “we run the risk of a third wave in January along with the peak of the flu ”.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 05-11-2020 11:38
Photo source: ANSA