The repeal has already been requested through a document signed by some unions such as Fimmg, the Federation of Family Doctors and the union agreement. The request is as follows: to avoid delays and bureaucratic practices that see the time necessary to receive the results of the buffer -or, worse still, the green light to finally get out of isolation after returning a refusal- it is essential to authorize general practitioners to intervene.
At the center of the controversy are the results that arrive uploaded by individual analytical laboratories on the regional portal – to which the local health authorities do not have access – and which remain there for days due to the inevitable floods caused by the huge amount of data that is collected. Now, to simplify the procedures, for the benefit of those who run the risk of being confiscated unnecessarily at home for who knows how long, it would be enough if the family doctor was allowed to interact with the Sic portal. That is to say, the possibility of directly entering the swab result on that platform and, therefore, automatically deleting the patient’s name from the list of positives, giving him the release to resume his normal life. At this point, the Department will have enough time to send the data to the competent authorities. Sounds easy, it really isn’t. And here is why: “If there is a positivity, the only person authorized to” release “the patient once cured is the Department of Public Health – explains Luigi sparano, Provincial Secretary of the Federation of General Practitioners – our certification has no legal value but only clinical value. This is the reason why we officially request a pro tempore derogation, as has already been done in Veneto. In an emergency situation, I think it is also necessary to take some exceptional measures. A matter of legal role, therefore: the general practitioner is not recognized as a public official with which the health worker of the Uopc, an operational unit for collective prevention, is invested. “But if this possibility were granted with a timed repeal – Sparano concludes – I assure you that it would represent the turning point. Family physicians would have fewer requests than they can do nothing, patients could finally get the results they want in a few hours, and departments work with less hassle.
For the moment, however, the situation is as follows: Take the case of a Covid patient who is given the control swab in the private laboratory negative result. The procedure requires the owner of the analysis institute to transcribe the data in the regional portal. After the communication of the result, the Region will send the results to the collective prevention units of the various districts of Naples 1. At this point, the news will reach the family doctor, who will be able to communicate the end of the isolation to the UOPC, only then The operating unit will send the authorization of “discharge” of the former patient: «How many days can pass? It depends on the amount of work they have to do – answer Saverio Annunziata, Sumai national representative, the Naples province ambulatory medicine union, and family doctor, even ten days if the times are particularly long. Everything is gone now. Hence the request for “repeal” by the unions that -to describe the chaos in which we move- narrate a more paradoxical episode: “Some districts, in a desperate attempt to press time and overcome an impossible bureaucracy – explains better Annunziata: asked the patient for the family doctor to directly certify the result of the swab. Certificate that the same patient would then have to send via email to the corresponding UOPC, which in turn would have drawn up the minutes to be sent to the same doctor family that would then have the task of delivering it to the patient. Does all this seem possible to you? Not for me, especially if we consider that a temporary derogation from our role would represent the best solution for all “.
And as if that wasn’t enough, now you need the prescription for paid tampons: “More chaos, more phone calls, dozens of messages – concludes Saverio Annunziata – not to mention those who physically appear at the studios to obtain the prescription immediately. They say the prescription will speed up the reporting of the swab results. I do not think so”.
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