Covid Campania, no blockade: but a new offensive against nightlife arrives


Try to play in advance the re-elected governor by popular acclaim Vincenzo De Luca so that, first, he brings the mandatory masks to the faces of the Neapolitans and Campania throughout the holy day, then put the check in airport and today or tomorrow, who knows, other innovations are announced that later mean more restrictions (necessary). “There will be a squeeze in lifestyles, those that concern the most, in what is called nightlife but also more.” They tell this from their fort in via Santa Lucia, from the office where you can smell the sea of ​​Naples and from some windows you can glimpse Vesuvius. In fact, the gist of this story is that yesterday there were as many as 295 infections and about 5,600 tampons, a few, compared to 8,000 or almost 9,000 in recent days, and that also set the record for positives. But, they explain from the Region, “it is necessary to understand that today we are going to look for the positives, the asymptomatic in a focused way, we have already intercepted 3,000 taking them off the streets.” The essence is that De Luca feels attacked. Starting with the Government with the Minister of Health hope which does not exclude the blockade “because there is no control in Lazio and Campania”. Two regions for which you envision the “red zone” would really be a slap in the face to the former mayor of Salerno. To pass to the mayor Luigi de Magistris: “Six, seven months after the start of the pandemic – argues the mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris – we do not have, as citizens and as mayors, the guarantee that the tests and especially the necessary pads : it’s disconcerting and it’s De Luca’s fault ».

He’s also used to shooting De Luca because he’s usually the first to shoot. Minister Speranza, and the rest of the government as well, will not have been happy when De Luca legitimately criticized his slowness in the midst of the pandemic. As they say, the wheel turns. But however you look at it, 2020 is still, in any case, De Luca’s year also from the point of view of good luck as well as that of good administration: just think about what would have happened if this peak that led to Campania To be the region with the highest number of infections, it had arrived a couple of weeks ago near the elections. So, an offensive against street activities, in which De Luca never misses a joke: “I see people cheering happily face to face,” he said recently in one of the latest Facebook focus. Fear returns to Campania and it can also be seen in the attitude of the people aware that the situation is definitely moving in an unwanted direction. There is no panic, but fear and De Luca handles it with skill as in the last 7-8 months. The first to pay could be – the conditional is essential because each decision will be guided by the number of infections – those of the people of the night that would be shortened. While bars, restaurants, etc. they already have their own protocol and you can’t intervene. “No blockade in Campania” still warns the Region, but there will be a repression. Also because only the Government can decree the closure, perhaps listening to the Regions, also in the event of an extension of the state of emergency until December 31.


This morning the technicians of the Region will meet to examine data, trends, number of swabs, the most affected areas and much more. Then they will go to De Luca, who will have to make the most politically convenient decision for everyone, knowing very well that “health is the primary good to defend and I am ready to close everything.” There is much anger among those who have fought like a lion for many months against the sneaky virus that arrived from China. Because during the first wave, Campania was one of the regions that best kept the pandemic at bay. The worrying data of the last days, with the 295 new infections of yesterday, have not demoralized anyone, but they have removed a certain certainty despite the fact that at least today people die less than at the beginning. A situation to watch out for – underlines Walter Ricciardi, Advisor to the Minister of Health Speranza, who identifies precisely in Campania, with Lazio and Sardinia, the most affected areas at risk of a new blockade.

