New appeal from the doctors of the Order of Trentino on the need to strengthen local health care to face the epidemic.
Meanwhile, the president of the province, Maurizio Fugatti, quarantined at his house in Ala, invites everyone to respect the preventive measures and explains in an interview about the Adige that “this will be the decisive week, with the risk of becoming an orange zone in the short term and everything that follows.”
Today there will be a telephone confrontation between Fugatti and Minister Roberto Speranza: an agreement on new preventive measures could result, a hardening like the one agreed and in force since the day after tomorrow by Veneto, Friuli and Emilia Romagna. Or we will decide how to manage the Trentino pass in the orange zone, with all the foreseen restrictions.
The Medical Association expressed concern so much for the increasing numbers (yesterday eight deaths and new hospitalizations) both because of the attitude of a part of the population, “which perhaps does not realize the seriousness of the situation and does not respond with the necessary sense of responsibility to the indications made both at the political and health levels to combat Covid 19 more effectively “.
The requests are: strengthening the local medicine units and Usca, swabs readily available for symptomatic patients and doctors, more incisive communication on responsible behavior that citizens must maintain and finally a greater awareness of the delay that this emergency is causing in the treatment of other pathologies.
As at the national level, also at the Trentino level, doctors are concerned about a possible collapse of the hospital and the health system in the face of the advance of Covid 19.
The President of the Order, Marco Ioppi, summarized all this in a note that also summarizes what the Order wanted to illustrate to the President of the Province, at a meeting already scheduled for November 4. The meeting was lost due to the positivity of Fugatti’s Covid but that in reality the president of the Order had asked to have it long before, considering the nine letters sent and to which he received no response.
The letters indicated a series of suggestions and proposals from the Order to combat the epidemic.
“First of all ??? writes Dr. Ioppi ?? It is necessary to immediately strengthen local medicine also to avoid the collapse of hospitals. In this sense it is necessary to study and adopt in a very short time a unique protocol for the home management of patients with Covid 19, following the example of what other ASLs, such as Turin, have done. A protocol that gives general practitioners precise indications and parameters so that they can intervene in situ avoiding blockages both in emergencies and in hospitals. Likewise, they must strengthen the special units of Usca (units of continuity of special assistance). Today in Trentino there are 13 but we have to double them “.
Another aspect concerns the doctors. «Is it urgent that doctors periodically? and in general all the hospital staff? is subjected to molecular swabs. Those who work in the front row are always under stress and need security and serenity. The same goes for the population. “It is necessary to massively increase the use of tampons, especially when the first symptoms appear. It’s important to find a system that responds quickly to the swab results. ‘
According to the Order, it would also be convenient a communication directed to the citizens “that avoids emphasis and proclamations but is more careful in providing useful information to generate responsible behavior on the part of all”.
Finally, the Order informs of the risk that Covid 19 leads to underestimating or delaying the treatment of other diseases. “Even if the moment is difficult, every patient has the right to be treated quickly and completely.”