Covid Bulletin in Lombardy today November 19: infections and hospitalizations fall, 165 deaths


Milan, November 19, 2020 – The hopes of Lombardy pass through red to orange zone hang from the data thread. Fundamental, once again, the coronavirus emergency numbers. Today gods 36,176 daily cases in Italy 7,453 (of which 516 ‘weak positive’ and 101 after serological tests) refer to Lombardy, of the 37,595 swabs processed. Again in decline, albeit slightly, the case-swab relationship: down 0.2% from 20% yesterday to 19.8% today. Across the country today 653 the victims, 165 only in Lombardy, which today exceeds the threshold of the 20 thousand deaths since the beginning of the pandemic20,015). With respect to pressure on hospitals i 3,791 cured / discharged today (a total of 172,847 of which 7,351 were discharged and 165,496 recovered). 12 increase in intensive care (915 in total) while for the first time since the start of the second wave they are other hospitalizations have dropped (-32 in one day, down to 8,291). “A new little sign of improvement – wrote on Facebook at Governor Attilio Fontana regarding admissions data -. Could be a isolated data or the start of the descent, the numbers are not as high as the wave we faced in March, but our hospitals are taking great care of 8,291 hospitalized patients and 915 intensive care patients, “he added. Consolidating the minus sign in these two numbers is our top priority: caution, distancing and masks ”, the last appeal.

Covid Italia Newsletter November 19 / Pdf

Still increasing, albeit slightly, new cases of coronavirus in Italy. In fact, there are 36,176 in the last 24 hours (yesterday there were 34,283) and this compared to an increase in swabs made, more than 250 thousand. Deaths decrease: deaths in the last 24 hours are 653 (there were 753). The positives currently increased by 18,303, bringing the figure to 761,671, while those cured are 17,020 in 24 hours.

Covid Lombardy Newsletter November 19

First for new cases, once again, the province of Milan with 2,928 daily cases, of which 1,134 a Milan city. Second the Monza and Brianza province with 873 cases, third Varese (+657), fourth How (+645). In Bresciano daily increase of 556 units, Pavia of 406. The increases in the other areas of Lombardy are more contained: +275 to Bergamo, +227 to Cremona, +197 to Lecco. 186 year increase Sondrio, from 184 to Mantua. Close I gave it with +164. Only the macrozone between Milan, Monza-Brianza, Varese and Como pick up 5,103 around 7,453 cases throughout Lombardy.

Covid, the data of November 19 in Lombardy

From red zone to orange zone

Pressure from the region continues to try to accelerate the transition from red zone to orange zone. In fact, today Lombardy will advance State-Regions Summit, which will also participate Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, some you requested. First: change and parameters which place the regions in one of the three zones (yellow, orange and red). Second: speed up the times of I move from one area to another, based on the evolution of the data. By the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Sandra Zampa “Regional presidents would do well to realize that a model is working, which is certainly more complicated because it is much more sophisticated. Closing everything in absolute terms, throughout the national territory, is obviously more radical and paradoxically easier. more complex but gives the country the possibility of surviving from other points of view. I think it must be promoted and defended ”.

Pregliasco: Lombardy Orange? Too soon

Although that Lombardy is the Italian region most affected by the spread of COVID-19 in the last days they have not been missing encouraging signs, which give hope for a future relaxation of the measures. For him Governor Attilio Fontana Lombardy has what it takes to go from Red zone (the highest risk) and that orange (“Intermediate” risk band). the virologist Fabrizio Pegliasco arrives an invitation to the utmost caution: “I think they still have to define the descent data from red to yellow, the methods must be well managed because opening the taps too fast is dangerous“.

Gimbe: “Relax the measures? Very serious consequences”

Coronavirus, weekly trend of new cases (Gimbe Foundation)

The Gimbe Foundation also intervened on the hypothesis of a relaxation of the measures: “Containment measures – explains President Gimbe Nino Cartabellotta – have not flattened the contagion curve, which continues to increase, although at a slower rate, similar to that of hospitalized patients and intensive care. Contagion, in essence, is like a car that, after accelerating the race for weeks, now travels at a very high but constant speed ”. In fact, if in the last week the percentage of increase in new cases went from 31% to 24.4%, however, they increased by 242,609 units compared to the previous week. The result is that Covid patients “are progressively ‘cannibalizing’ beds in other wards,” limiting the ability to help patients with other diseases. this scenario, he concludes, “to hypothesize a relaxation of the measures with the aim of save christmas, you probably have very serious consequences, in terms of human lives “.

Vaccine and research to beat Covid

Meanwhile, Nerl, science continues on its way through the vaccine and the knowledge of the virus. Researchers at the Politecnico di Milano have discovered a compound, called “Ebselen”, capable of stopping the replication of the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus. The Milanese university team has published the results of the study in the prestigious New Journal of Chemistry.

To know more

Hotel Covid: quarantine and bureaucracy. Those who request and those who do not want sick / THE MAP

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