
“Rifles are bought before the war, not during the war,” says Pier Luigi Bartoletti, a doctor from Torpignattara, East Rome, and secretary of Fimmg, the federation of general practitioners in the capital. The weapon, in this case, is the massive tracking of suspected cases, the only way to stop the spread of contagion. “Now drive-ins are exploding – Bartoletti resumed – but in summer it was not like that, we were able to intervene”. It is not a problem of stocks, but of the system: requests for tests, with the foreseeable first colds and especially with the reopening of schools, have multiplied at an unprecedented rate. And the network deployed by the regions does not seem capable of bearing the worst of it. In the capital, between 12 and 13 thousand swabs are performed on average per day, but only the requests of general practitioners are double: 25 thousand per day. Not to mention the passengers arriving from countries at risk and who must be screened. In Milan, the queues to the wind of the drive-in for 3 kilometers: to get in front of the nurses, there are those who had to wait 8 hours by car. In Turin, mothers and fathers had to queue, in the open air, with feverish children. In Tuscany, ASL has admitted to having laboratories under stress.
THE CAMPANIA CASE The plotting machine is swallowed up, but the indications from the CTS are clear: the stops must be increased. It is almost double. Today in Italy the daily tests range between 90 thousand and 125 thousand, the record reached yesterday. On Sunday, it slides to 60 thousand. According to the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee, at least 200 thousand swabs should be reached every 24 hours. Some regions like Campania declared yesterday that they had discovered 544 positives in one day, never that many, but against only 7,504 tests. It is for a combination of factors that the system fights. Test requests have increased dramatically in recent weeks. Especially for the schools. “Many institutes – explains Teresa Rongai, secretary of the Federation of Pediatricians of Rome – ask for a certificate of negativity to the first cold, even when it is not necessary.” The other worm is the private laboratory network that has so far only been exploited marginally. With a declared reluctance, in various regions, for the “private”.
Tamponi Covid, in Lazio since mid-October in the offices of family doctors: results in an hour
Covid Lazio, Councilor D’Amato: “Very busy next 7 months, significant increase in cases”
According to Federlab, only 25% of the structures that could perform the Covid exams have been authorized. “However, the coronavirus test is not very different from the hepatitis test, a test that individuals have been doing for years,” says Gennaro Lamberti, president of Federlab Italia. It is no coincidence that, with a still limited audience of authorized centers, the few laboratories that can operate are already overloaded, with queues even at night. The Lazio Region opposed private tampons for the first time in the summer, but a few days ago it began to authorize them (as Campania yesterday), with a reduced fee of 22 euros, precisely to relieve pressure on public structures. Yesterday the Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, announced that Pisana would like to double drive-ins, which have already increased fivefold since the beginning of summer, today there are 29. But they are not enough to drain the river of requests. Then there is a problem with the machinery: the devices of the Covid Units for fast tampons are already failing, probably precisely because they are overloaded.
Of the 20 “machines” to process the test results, 7 were kappaò. At the Fiumicino drive-in, operators do not have a barcode reader for medical certificates and those that are presented are sometimes rejected. Even ASL staff, although replenished, is not enough to cover all centers. Some stay open only 3 hours, others stay only two doctors at night, for hundreds of cars. In the Veneto of the “Crisanti plan”, which at the national level has remained a dead letter, the Region has announced that it will allow general practitioners to perform quick swabs. Now Lazio replicates the scheme, yesterday the pact with the federation of white coats was signed. But many studios in Rome, from Tufello to Prenestino, are already being withdrawn: «Too risky – they say – that suspicious cases arrive here; drive-ins, with remote patients by car, are safer ”. And, of course, much busier.