Rome, October 28, 2020 – Balance ofCOVID-19 epidemic in Italy it’s today Silvio Brusaferro, President ofHigher Institute of Health (Issue).
“The epidemic is now widespread throughout Italy and is no longer localized – explains the expert at the Senate hearing – The Rt index, which describes the speed of spread of the virus, gives an idea of the growth we are experiencing: in all regions is higher than 1 and many realities far exceed it ”. Furthermore, the average age of people who contract the infection is “today about 40 years, in the peak period it was 60 to 70 years. In summer about 30 years.
Coronavirus, the newsletter for October 28
The prime minister’s warning hangs over all the data and reasoning Giuseppe Conte: “You have to respect the measures, otherwise the risk of blocking“. Sui vaccinations (3 or 4 will be available with the new year) the President of the European Council Charles Michel ensures that “the European Commission has signed numerous contracts to ensure that when vaccines are available, we can benefit from the doses we need.” While it specifies that it does not have a “magic wand” to vaccinate everyone at once.
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How to treat mild cases
“ME paucisymptomatic and asymptomatic they are certainly a range that must be managed at the level of territorial medicine. As well as a part of the patients with mild symptoms, “says Brusaferro, without hiding” some obvious weaknesses that should have an impact on the organization and planning of services. ” national health system, in an epidemic situation like this, it becomes a problematic aspect to be carefully considered ”.
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Identify the asymptomatic
It is important to “identify the asymptomatic” because “identifying people who carry the virus is the first frontier to stop the infection. We need to keep the curve of new infections below a certain threshold, making sure that people identified as positive can be traced “. explain again. That is why “it is important to keep tracking the positives, without letting them go: if the number is excessive and can no longer be done, steps are taken to reduce the number of positives below the threshold.”
Monoclonal antibodies
“The availability of monoclonal antibodies it will be a very important and powerful tool. There is also an Italian production, in addition to the American one, which will pay off next year. When available, the possibility of treating patients with certain levels of severity will allow a much more favorable prognosis ”.
Easier and easier tests
In the next few days, a specific document on the use of tests will be released ”, announces the president of the ISS. “The reality of test today he sees the molecular buffer as the gold standard. Now there are rapid antigen tests that work well. However, the technological research is very fast and I think that in the coming weeks we will be able to have more tests that are even easier to use and this type of test will undoubtedly be of great help ”, he explains.
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The study of hyperimmune plasma
In the study Tsunami Italy, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of plasma in the treatment of Sars-cov-2, explains Brusaferro, “as of October 26, 188 patients entered. “The trial, in which” they are involved 79 clinical centers and 88 transfusion centers“, provides” the inscription of 474 patients but it slowed in part due to the fact that in the summer, fortunately, the number of cases of people with serious infections decreased and was limited. With the current situation, the threshold of patients to enroll more quickly will be reached ”.
In the project, which started in May, “all regions are involved and 14 have randomized at least one patient, but the patients involved so far have been mainly Tuscan.”
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