Covid, Bonaccini: Emilia-Romagna in the yellow zone from Sunday – Emilia-Romagna


‘The restrictions have paid off, but they are still responsible’

“I recently received confirmation from Minister Speranza that Emilia-Romagna will return to the yellow zone as of Sunday. This decision will be formalized by the minister in a new ordinance that he will sign in the next few hours ”. Thus the president of Emilia-Romagna Stefano Bonaccini. “We will still be in the orange zone today and tomorrow and after midnight on Saturday we will be in the yellow zone.” “The restrictions of these three weeks – he adds – have paid off, but we must continue to be responsible and respect the rules because the commitment of all to stop the pandemic must continue, to protect the health of all, starting with the most fragile people. , and to help the health and socio-health structures – doctors, nurses, operators – who continue to do their job in a commendable way every day “.