Covid: Bolsonaro jokes about the Pfizer vaccine: “If you turn into an alligator …”


Brazilian president Jair bolsonaro He joked about Pfizer’s anti-Covid vaccine, reiterating that it will not be vaccinated and warning the public about possible side effects.
“I’m not going to get vaccinated and some idiot says I’m a bad example. But I already have the virus and I have antibodies, why should I get vaccinated?” He said at a public event in Porto Seguro, Bahia state.

“At Pfizer they were clear: we are not responsible for any side effects. If you turn into an alligator, it is your problem, if you become a superman, it is your problem, if a woman grows a beard, it will be her problem. It is not like that. They take responsibility. And what is worse, they manipulate people’s immune systems, “Bolsonaro added.