Bologna, November 11, 2020 – The main challenge for hospitals now is keeping them open. That is, while it is achieved – that is the goal – a total of 700 Covid beds, equally capable of keeping the other departments open and guaranteeing visits, interventions, respecting reservations. And Emilia-Romagna, from the yellow zone, runs the risk of turning orange, while Governor Bonaccini evaluates ad hoc ordinances for new restrictions anti-reunionespecially on weekends. It is not a simple image, the one that the teacher analyzes Pierluigi viale, Head of Infectious Diseases at Sant’Orsola Polyclinic.
Emilia Romagna restrictions, the ordinance against gatherings is approaching – Stretta anti-contagion, the T-Days also risk
Professor Viale, infections are visibly increasing every day. Can hospitals manage them?
For now, yes, thanks to the beds we have, which in any case are not few, and we hope that the accredited individual will find us, at least for patients who are not in intensive care. Compared to March-April we have fewer beds occupied and we are more prepared, of course, but ordinary activity outside of Covid remains open and, furthermore, from a psychological point of view, stress has increased, there is less push dictated by the climate of ‘ heroism ‘and more weariness. but also of citizens “.
What do you think of the regional restrictions?
“That it is better to close first to citizens than to hospitals. The decree of mid-October, with the first restrictions on public places, made sense: but it was almost useless, because people did not understand the meaning. Maybe they got tired of respecting the rules, after the short summer of illusions, and then resuming even a ‘soft’ confinement became very difficult, I give you an example: last weekend, the center of Bologna was very crowded. Much more people than usual, you hardly walked. And then I wonder: for these people to think, maybe the carrot is not enough anymore, do you need a stick?
In your opinion, how long can public health last?
“Covid can handle seven hundred beds, I think not a thousand. Therefore, interventions are needed immediately, before the situation gets out of control. During the first shutdown, Italy gave lessons in civilization to everyone, but now it has responded in a very different way to increasingly restrictive measures. So perhaps a more decisive intervention is the only solution. I say this thinking about it at the national level: if even Emilia-Romagna, who can boast of the health system more organized from Italy, it is in difficulty, I imagine how other regions can resist, with a rate of thirty thousand new cases a day and an average of 300 hospitalizations in intensive care ”.
Some of his colleagues even aspire to a ‘red zone’, a total blockade for Emilia-Romagna. Instead, the Region evaluates more restrictive interventions at the local level. Do you think this would help?
“Of course, Governor Stefano Bonaccini’s reflection of tightening the shirts a little makes sense, in fact it seems almost inevitable. The levels of work in the Bologna ICU, for now, are not dramatic. The entrances to the Covid rooms are numerous , It is true, but slowly people also begin to heal and be discharged. The problem is always to manage, meanwhile, all other activities outside of Covid “.
Before I spoke of a ‘heroic’ climate: now the adrenaline of the first months is over?
“We are all more tired. Both the health personnel, after months of sacrifices, and the public, who after so many months at home barely saw the ‘cage’ open last summer, now struggle to get back into it. But it is necessary to contain you infect it. “
And the vaccine?
“Rehearsals are underway and this is great news. That’s all I can say about it for now.”
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