
Not to close everything, but to intervene surgically in the provinces where the epidemic appears out of control, such as Milan, Torino me Naples. This is a summary of the proposal of the Scientific Technical Committee, which met last night at the request of the government. The brake on mobility between one region and another is also evaluated between movements to stop the advance of the coronavirus, even if a decision has not yet been made. If there will be emergency shutdown Regionally, blocking travel seems complicated. But where are we going to intervene? Piedmont and Lombardy they are the areas where the epidemic is advancing the fastest.
The government, based on the opinion of the Scientific Technical Committee, is preparing local closures where RT is skyrocketing and in those difficult regions it is now above 2, twice the acceptable limit. In Lombardy are the provinces with the highest incidence of positive cases in the last two weeks: Monza and Varese, while Milan also sees an increase in infections and hospitalizations. The situation in Valle d’Aosta is very serious, where even yesterday a swab of 4 was positive, and in the autonomous province of Bolzano. Other regions under observation are Campania (the case of Naples in particular, but yesterday it was noted that all the data has not yet been sent), fears on the part of Tuscany, Liguria, Umbria and some areas of Veneto.
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According to the CTS, we must think about closures of metropolitan areas or entire provinces, such as Milan, Turin, Genoa and Naples. If we look at the incidence of the virus (new positive cases depending on the number of inhabitants) in addition to Monza, Varese, Aosta, Milan and Naples, Prato, Florence, Pistoia, Bolzano and Caserta are in trouble. The meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee began yesterday around 6:00 p.m., after the coordinator Agostino Miozzo, the president of the Superior Council of Health Franco Locatelli and the president of the Superior Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, had participated in the summit with the Prime Minister Conte. . It is not just a Rt problem (among other things, the values released by the control room of the Ministry of Health have a limit, they photograph a situation from a week ago). In deciding on local locks, there are other elements to take into account, such as the percentage of filling of the rooms (intensive care and other specialists). In this case, worrying news comes from Piedmont, Lombardy, Valle d’Aosta, Campania, Tuscany, Umbria and Liguria. Lazio has the Rt of around 1.5, it is strengthening the supply of beds, but in this phase it finds a kind of plug in the emergency room for Covid patients awaiting hospitalization. The system is already in crisis. But any red zone seems likely in Rome, where the RT is lower, possible in the provinces of Viterbo and Latina, where it is much higher.
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The number that scares the most in the analysis of the government and the CTS referred to yesterday: 297. These are the deaths registered by Covid-19. Let me be clear, the statistics are usually influenced by the notification times of the Regions and the difference with the previous day, when deaths were 199, should not be surprising. Weekly, with more homogeneous data, it is evident that the increase in has always arrived late against the increase in positive cases: in the last week there were 1,280, in the previous 667.
And there is another increase that is strongly urging the government to toughen measures to contain the infection: hospitalizations. Yesterday the data was also marked: another 97 intensive care places occupied, we reached 1,843, not far from the critical limit considered in 2,300-2,400. The data of new positive cases yesterday increased again, another 31,758 of a total of 215,866 swabs were added. Said with extreme caution, the increase in new cases is very high, but with some slight signs of cooling: we are traveling more than 61.6 percent compared to Saturday of the previous week. If we make a comparison between the new positive cases of Saturday 17 and those of Saturday 24 October, we discover that the increase is around 80 percent. In short: the rate of spread of the epidemic is still very high, but not as fast as in previous weeks. First effects of the measures decided with the previous closings? Soon to count. And also on this, on the need to wait a few days to evaluate the effect of the mandatory masks and the closing of bars and restaurants at 6 in the afternoon, the CTS experts focused last night.
Last update: 00:30