“Swabs? They give us a false license of negativity and produce an army of asymptomatic positives.” Thus Matteo Bassetti, president of the Italian Society for Anti-infectious Therapy, university professor and primary specialist in infectious diseases in Genoa. The clinician warns of the limits of remote diagnoses, made without visiting patients directly. Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter of September 30 Professor Bassetti, what does the misfortune that happened to the Genoa players teach? “I should be clear that conducting carpet exams doesn’t make much sense. A few hours after the results of the …
“ME tampons? They give us a false license of negativity and produce an army of asymptomatic positive“. So Matteo bassetti, president of the Italian Society for Anti-infective Therapy, university professor and primary specialist in infectious diseases at Genoa. The clinician warns of the limits of remote diagnoses, made without visiting patients directly.
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter of September 30
Professor Bassetti, what does the misfortune that happened to the Genoa players teach?
“You should make it clear that swab testing makes little sense. Within a few hours of the negative swab results, numerous cases of positivity were reported for the entire team. Here’s a general consideration: We run the risk of circulate negative subjects to the swab, because taken during the incubation phase of the virus, that is, they transmit Sars-Cov-2, and we are going to lock up many others at home for no reason, with weakly positive swabs, which instead do not they transmit nothing to anyone ”.
What else can we do to eliminate infectious outbreaks?
“We need to bring back to the center the profession of the doctor, the collection of signs and symptoms, combined with science, virology. Anyway, we must go back to being doctors, going home with people, instead of always sending them to the right and left to do the serological tests and others. “
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Let’s go back to the case of the players, do you as a doctor explain this spread of infections like a forest fire?
“Genoa Calcio respected the protocol. The tampons were made on the day of the match and, as they were negative, the match was played. But the test is anything but perfect. You can be negative, and after a few hours you discover yourself” . The world of soccer shows all the limits of swab screening for asymptomatic patients. “
What remains to be done?
“We need to review the whole strategy, because we are wrong. Tampons are good at tracking outbreaks. But we cannot think that the only way to deal with Covid in this country is to process three hundred thousand tampons. And then how much it costs the health system produce all these buffers? The resources are not infinite. “
There are those who argue, like Professor Crisanti, that it is better to make swabs without giving up.
“But drag swabs look like what they’ve done, if we have a group. In these cases, classic contact quarantine would be preferable. We have to save swabs for whoever needs them, not using them as a randomly thrown tool.”
Are we going back to an emergency phase?
“We have a significant movement in hospitalizations, but there are no comparisons with March and April. I could mention the Covid-19 figures in the clinic that I administer: we have gone from a fatality that varies between 12.5% and 10.5% from February to May, to a single death of the more than 91 hospitalizations from June to the present “.
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