Covid at school, storm through chat. Parents: “They didn’t inform us” – Chronicle


Florence, September 24, 2020 – The closing of the elections has saved a class from quarantine. That’s right – a 17-year-old Pascoli High School student tested positive. “However, the quarantine is not prepared for the whole class. This is because in the previous 48 hours the student had no contact with her classmates – explains the principal of the secondary school Alessandro Bussotti. The concern among parents it is however great “. For this reason, as of today we will implement mixed teaching, so that those who do not feel comfortable can follow the lessons from home with serenity ”, adds the director. Yesterday the bomb exploded …

Florence, September 24, 2020 – The closing of the elections saved a class of quarantine. That’s right: a 17-year-old high school student. Pastures it tested positive. “However, the quarantine for the entire class is not prepared. This is because in the previous 48 hours the student had no contact with his classmates,” explains the director of the institute. Alessandro Bussotti. However, there is a lot of concern among parents. “We understand it. That is why, starting today, we will implement coeducation, so that those who do not feel comfortable can peacefully follow the lessons from home,” adds the director. The bomb exploded yesterday morning, when the girl’s parents made it known via WhatsApp to other mothers and fathers that their daughter tested positive for hyssop. A (bad) news unfortunately expected in the class since, say some parents, “we knew that the mother of the girl was positive”. The young woman went to school until last Friday. Then the long closure of the squares and, yesterday morning, the return to class of some classmates, while other parents preferred “as a precaution” to keep their children at home. When the news broke, the conversation turned hot.

“It’s not possible that high school hasn’t told us anything yet, they got excited moms -. In our opinion, schools in these cases should be able to implement an emergency protocol. “There are those who immediately took steps to get their son swabbed in private. But certainly the cost of 120 euros is not for everyone.” “You can’t put everyone’s health on the individual’s conscience,” other parents observe. But here came the long-awaited phone call from the ASL in the middle of the afternoon: “He contacted us verbally, but then he will also send a written communication – says Bussotti -. We immediately notify the families.”

“Little time passes from diagnosis to communication, he explains Renzo Berti, director of the prevention department of ASL Toscana Centro -. Pending the validation of a rapid diagnostic system as soon as possible, every day we download data from the regional database and conduct epidemiological investigations. Certainly each case is handled in the day. “

So it happened, with the follow-up protocol now becoming routine, even in the case of a man who works in a bakery: as soon as his coronavirus positivity was verified, the ASL immediately contacted his family members and all employees of your restaurant. that is, people who are at risk of infection. All are in quarantine and under tampon control. Yesterday morning the blind of the pastry bar was lowered: a mandatory choice, since there are no other employees who can carry out the activity until the double negative result of the tampon. There is no risk for the bar’s customers in recent days: the restaurant, as explained by the Local Health Authority, respected the distancing protocols; the scarce remote stay within the activity does not imply risk of contagion.

Elettra Gullè – Manuela Plastina
