After the first case in Rome, a student from the “Malignani” Technical Institute in Cervignano del Friuli, in the province of Udine, also tested positive for Covid-19. The girl had attended Friulian high school to take part in remedial courses organized by teachers and the school administration.
Immediate sanitation
This is the first case that has arisen so far in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The news was made public by the director of the Isis Bassa Friulana school, Oliviero Barbieri, who announced the immediate closure of the secondary school to manage sanitation.
Following the positivity of the young woman, a dozen students and two teachers, who have been in contact with the student, will be subjected to the hyssop. And in the next few days the remedial courses for the 150 students involved will continue remotely.
No classes for at least three days
“The student – said the director Barbieri to Ansa – was present at the school on the morning of September 2. Once notified of the positivity of the covid, we contacted the Prevention Department, which will now carry out tests on 12-13 children who attended the lessons with her and on two teachers. Pending the results of the swabs, the remedial courses will continue online, then we will start again in presence. “
At the moment, added the director of the school, “we plan to close the school for three days, during which we will proceed to clean up the environments.”
“The other complexes of the Institute will continue with face-to-face teaching,” said the director.